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The Many Benefits of Dental Veneers

 Dental veneers may be an excellent option if you want to conceal dental issues such as chipped, discolored, improperly spaced, or malformed teeth. In addition, dental veneers provide a variety of potential advantages. Thus, that is is why they are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry operations. Dr. Brianne Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, discusses the many benefits of dental veneers.  

Veneers Can Enhance Your Smile’s Aesthetic

Dental veneers are thin pieces of medical-grade porcelain glued to the front of teeth. This is done to improve the appearance of a smile. Additionally, they are manufactured specifically for each patient to produce the most appealing appearance. Veneers are tooth-colored. Our friend Dr. Moghadam, Cosmetic Dentist in Easton PA, explains that they also don’t stain readily, making them a fantastic alternative for folks who want to seem flawless. If you’re going to correct severe aesthetic issues with your teeth, veneers are a simple solution.

Dental Veneers Look Natural

This form of dental repair may need more than one consultation, but the overall result appears wonderfully natural! Your dentist in Pinellas Park makes imprints of your teeth at the initial session to send to a facility where the veneers will be made. Additionally, the lab manufactures veneers that match the color of your natural teeth’ enamel.

When the veneers are returned from the lab, and it is time to install them in the mouth, your dentist near me meticulously sculpts each overlay to produce a natural-looking grin. The design is tailored to your facial symmetry and overall aesthetic. Consequently, being put in your mouth, the veneers will seem and feel natural to you and others.

Veneers Are Long Lasting

Interestingly, our cosmetic dentist in Pinellas Park explains that porcelain veneers are long-lasting. Additionally, they resist decay and discoloration better than natural teeth. Because the surfaces are non-porous, they are more resistant to stains and cavities than natural tooth enamel. Additionally, veneers can last up to 15 years.

Contact Our Cosmetic Dentist in Pinellas Park FL Today

Even though veneers are more expensive than other cosmetic dental treatments available today, we know it is justified. Most patients report a significant increase in self-confidence, which is invaluable. In addition, veneers are a stunning and long-lasting technique to produce a smile that our patients are delighted to show off. Contact us today to learn more!