Tooth Repair
If you have a broken tooth, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry immediately. We would love to help relieve your pain and get your tooth back to normal as soon as we possibly can. Time is of the essence with a broken tooth, so the sooner you see a professional, the better!

Experiencing persistent tooth pain? We may recommend an extraction if your tooth is causing you pain and problems. Common reasons for an extraction is a tooth infection, loose teeth, or broken teeth. If you are experiencing tooth pain, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry immediately.

Root Canals
Our team may recommend a root canal if you have severe tooth decay, an abscessed tooth, a broken or chipped tooth, a dead tooth, or a toothache. With a root canal, we will remove the root of your tooth to stop the pain and get rid of the infection. Visit your Pinellas Park dentist to review your options today.
If you live in the Pinellas Park, FL Area and are suffering with a broken or damaged tooth, we empathize with you and welcome you to schedule an appointment with us. You can expect gentle dental care and a judgement-free staff. Your safety and comfort is our top priority.
We do our best to hold space for same-day appointments.
Frequently asked questions
Dental emergencies can be extremely stressful and sometimes, painful. If you are experiencing an unexpected dental emergency, our team is here for you. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, it is our mission to provide our patients with gentle, top-quality dental care. If you have a tooth that’s been knocked out, you have severe or consistent tooth pain, unusual bleeding in your mouth, or if your dental work has come out, then you are having a dental emergency. Contact us immediately!
First, don’t panic. It’s important to stay calm and contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry as soon as you possibly can. Our team makes dental emergencies a priority, and we will work to see you right away. Additionally, if you had a tooth get knocked out, please try to save your tooth! We recommend storing it in a container filled with saliva or milk so that we can try to save your tooth when you come in. Try rinsing your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the knocked out area.
It is so important to contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry as soon as you start experiencing a dental emergency. We can handle all non-life threatening dental emergencies. If you are experiencing a broken jaw or something more serious, we urge you to go directly to the hospital. While you’re experiencing your dental emergency, it is important to avoid taking any aspirin if you are bleeding, as it is a blood thinner. Instead, opt for Tylenol or Advil to relieve your pain.
The sooner you are seen by a professional, the better. Getting seen right away means that you are less likely to have additional problems down the road. If you see your Pinellas Park, FL emergency dentist right away, you can potentially avoid larger dental costs than if you were to wait. We recommend contacting Park Boulevard Family Dentistry the second you think you may be having a dental emergency. Our team will get your emergency taken care of right away!
We are happy to answer any questions. Contact Us