Restoring Damaged Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry

Restoring Damaged Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry

Restoring Damaged Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you struggling with the appearance of damaged teeth? Do your teeth make you feel insecure during social interactions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then cosmetic dentistry might be the solution you’ve been looking for. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry offers a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures that can restore your damaged teeth and give you the beautiful smile you deserve. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at how cosmetic dentistry can help you repair your damaged teeth and improve your overall oral health.

Porcelain Veneers

One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures for restoring damaged teeth is porcelain veneers. Thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of your teeth are veneers. They can address a wide range of dental concerns, from chipped and cracked teeth to gaps and discoloration. Porcelain veneers are a long-lasting solution that can drastically improve your smile.

Dental Crowns

If your damaged teeth are severely cracked or broken, dental crowns might be the best option for you. Crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover the entire visible portion of the tooth. They’re a great way to restore the appearance and function of your damaged teeth. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry customizes dental crowns to match the shade and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring that your smile looks beautiful and natural.

Dental Bonding

If your damaged tooth is relatively minor, dental bonding might be a more appropriate solution for you. Bonding is a process that uses a tooth-colored resin to restore small chips and cracks in your teeth. It’s also an effective way to improve the appearance of discolored and misshapen teeth. Dental bonding is a quick, affordable, and non-invasive procedure that can significantly enhance the look of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening

A professional teeth whitening treatment might be a good option if your damaged teeth are also stained or discolored. Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to remove stubborn stains and brighten your smile. The experts at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry can determine the best teeth whitening approach for your specific needs and help you achieve a brighter, more radiant smile.


If your teeth are also crooked or misaligned, consider Invisalign as the solution you need. Invisalign is a clear aligner system that gently straightens your teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. The aligners are virtually invisible, removable, and comfortable to wear. Invisalign can help boost your oral health and give you a straighter, more confident smile.

Contact Us For A Consultation

Cosmetic dentistry can do more than simply enhance the aesthetics of your smile—it can improve your oral health and boost your self-confidence. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we offer a variety of cosmetic dental procedures that can restore your damaged teeth and give you the smile of your dreams.  Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Understanding the Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry is an excellent way to improve your smile and boost your confidence. Whether you have crooked teeth, discolored teeth, or a missing tooth, there is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that can help. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry in Pinellas Park FL, we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry procedures to help you achieve your dream smile. In this blog post, we discuss the different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures available.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening in Pinellas Park FL is a simple and non-invasive procedure that can significantly improve the color of your teeth. Our in-office teeth whitening treatments use a specialized light that activates the whitening gel, producing immediate results. In some cases, we may recommend at-home treatments that take a bit longer but are more convenient for patients. If you are tired of hiding your smile due to stained or discolored teeth, teeth whitening may be an excellent option for you.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option for patients who are missing one or more teeth. Implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone and provide a stable and long-lasting foundation for a replacement tooth, bridge, or denture. Dental implants look and function like natural teeth, and they can significantly improve the appearance of your smile.


Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are affixed to the front of the teeth with a special bonding agent. Veneers are an excellent option for patients with stained, chipped, or uneven teeth. They can also be used to close gaps between teeth and improve the appearance of crooked teeth. Veneer placement is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that requires two visits to our Pinellas Park FL office.


Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth gradually. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, and patients can remove them for eating, brushing and flossing. With Invisalign, patients can enjoy straighter teeth without the discomfort and inconvenience of metal braces.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that are placed over damaged or decayed teeth. They provide strength and protection to the tooth and improve its appearance. Crowns are an excellent option for patients with weakened teeth, teeth with large fillings, or teeth that are cracked or chipped.

Contact us Today!

At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, our cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to help you achieve your dream smile. From teeth whitening to dental implants, our team of skilled dental professionals will work with you to choose the best cosmetic dentistry procedure to meet your needs. If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry in Pinellas Park FL, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you smile brighter and feel more confident!

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Finding a Family Dentist in Pinellas, FL

On Your Way To A Perfect Smile 

Cosmetic dentistry may improve a person’s self-confidence by changing the appearance of their teeth and smile. Cosmetic dentistry has advanced dramatically in recent years, with state-of-the-art operations appealing to a growing number of individuals who want to feel better about their appearance. Teeth whitening, dental veneers, tooth bonding, implants, and bridges are among the most popular Cosmetic Dentistry Options procedures today for those who want to look and feel their best.

Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening is the most effective approach to brighten and clean your teeth. Our dentist in Pinellas Park Fl recommended whiteners include stronger bleaching chemicals than store-bought whiteners. Expert cosmetic dentists can lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin (the material underneath the enamel). They will also protect your gums from discomfort and monitor the procedure to optimize the amounts of the whitening chemical.

An hour of dental whitening achieves the same effects as weeks of messy over-the-counter tooth whitening solutions. Professional teeth whitening can dramatically whiten teeth by many shades. Professional teeth whitening is suitable for your mouth. Stains are removed, making teeth healthier and stronger. Professional teeth whitening can be long-lasting when combined with good dental hygiene at home. 

Customized whitening trays from a dentist are superior to over-the-counter trays that can be painful and cause gum irritation due to poor fit. In addition, whitening trays prescribed by dentists utilize less peroxide than in-office treatments, reducing the risk of gum discomfort. Dental Implants provide several advantages over other tooth replacement options, aesthetics, and performance. For example, they can replace bridges or dentures, act as a basis for dental plates, and feel and look natural.

An implant is a tiny titanium post that replaces a lost tooth. The jaw bone regenerates around the implant, stabilizing it. After the implant has adhered to the bone, an abutment secures the new tooth. The abutment is then crowned. Implant-supported artificial teeth feel normal once the implant has bonded to the bone.

With dentures implants give a biting force equal to natural teeth. Dentures with inferior biting functions might cause bone loss through disintegration and absorption of old bone. Implant-retained dentures are also more convenient: no more removing and reinserting. Implants are permanent since they become part of your jaw.


Porcelain veneers are tooth-colored shells that are glued onto the front of teeth to mask fissures, stains, or gaps between teeth. Veneers are made-to-measure for each patient and can endure for years. In addition, new materials have made veneers thinner, eliminating the need to cut the tooth surface.

Our friends at Park Hills Dentistry, the best in Lexington KY, believe veneers may restore damaged or discolored teeth to seem natural and healthy again. They can help patients with an uneven gum line look neater and more in harmony with their teeth. Veneers can also be used to straighten, square, or lengthen teeth. Little tooth preparation is required because they are so thin and adhere so well. Veneers, like natural teeth, can shatter or chip. Small chips can be fixed or replaced with a veneer.

Dental Glue

A tooth-colored composite plastic resin is fused with a laser or ultraviolet light to the tooth’s surface. The technique hides discolored teeth, gaps between teeth, and enamel fissures. Bonding can also be used to fill cavities in teeth. While veneers are custom-made in a lab, single-tooth bonding may be done in one dental appointment. Compared to veneers, bonding is one of the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dental procedures.


Artificial teeth attached to a frame, dental bridges are used to replace several lost teeth while preserving facial contour and relieving stress on the biting function. In the center of the bridge, the missing tooth is replaced with implants or neighboring teeth. Traditional bridges are composed of ceramic or porcelain bonded to metal. They establish a pontic (dummy tooth) between the crown and the implant. Also, bridges allow appropriate speaking and eating, maintain facial form, prevent remaining teeth from moving, and distribute biting pressure correctly.

Thank You 

Our team at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry are here to help you. Contact us if you have any questions and we will gladly help you pick a perfect smile today.