How to Fix a Broken Tooth

how to fix a broken tooth - Pinellas Park FL

How to Fix A Broken Tooth at the Dentist

A broken tooth is not something that should go without treatment. Many patients break or crack their teeth when eating hard foods. You may also crack your tooth in an accident or simply because you have an untreated cavity. Luckily, modern dentistry solutions help the majority of dental problems. Additionally, there are dental services that provide emergency dental treatments to patients all around the world. You’re probably wondering how to fix a broken tooth? Your dentist will recommend the following options. If you have a broken or cracked tooth, contact your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, immediately.

Ways To Repair a Broken Tooth

When you visit our dental office for a broken tooth, Dr. Wade will first access your tooth. She will then recommend a few restorative dentistry options depending on your smile. Among the dental treatment options for fractured teeth are the following:

Dental Crowns

Crowns can be used to cover the entire affected area. They are an easy way to repair fractured teeth. Dental crowns are thicker than veneers and restore the form and look of the teeth. Furthermore, crowns are typically made of porcelain, metal, or ceramic. Some of the best dentists believe it is the most secure method of repairing or restoring decaying or fractured teeth.

Dental Veneers

The porcelain or composite resin material is what dental veneers are made of. Veneers are the most commonly used cosmetic and restorative approach for enhancing your smile. Also, if you are afraid to smile because of tooth loss, veneers are the best alternative. The dental procedure is designed to address both dental and aesthetic difficulties.

Dental Implant

If your tooth is beyond repair, your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. Dental implants will be used to replace your missing tooth. It is a lengthy operation used to repair fractured teeth, particularly those along the gum line. It is a straightforward procedure in which the dentist removes the fractured tooth and replaces it with an implant. The implant is then capped with a dental crown. Additionally, our friends Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson, Colorado Springs dentists, add that dental implants are not noticeable. They’re made to look and feel like your natural teeth.

Dental Bonding

Bonding is often used by dentists as the least invasive dental technique for repairing a damaged tooth. Dentists employ a simple composite material chip to repair and improve the appearance of the tooth. Furthermore, the composite molding is then hardened, and the tooth is fixed with a blue light.

Root Canal Therapy

Both fractured and cracked teeth might result in an infected pulp. Dentists recommend root canal therapy to heal fractured teeth in this case. To prevent the infection from spreading, they first remove the infection and then put a crown. This is the best way to ensure that no additional problems arise. 

Dental Filling

Fillings are among the most secure dental procedures used by dentists to repair fractured teeth. The restorative substance is used by the dentist to temporarily repair cracked or broken teeth. So, if your tooth has a cavity, a dental filling is the best treatment. It is both painless and cost-effective, says Dr. Wade.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants, which are ideal for filling tooth holes, prevent sick and broken teeth. Additionally, sealants act as a barrier against the microorganisms that cause cavities in your teeth. Your dentist will apply a dental sealant to the back of your molars and premolars.

Contact Emergency Dentist in Pinellas Park 

Overall, a cracked, broken, or chipped tooth might be considered a dental emergency. It is critical to see a dentist as soon as possible. Patients should not be afraid to contact their dentist if they detect a damaged tooth. This can assist them in determining the best dental treatment option for them. So, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for broken tooth repair in Pinellas Park