Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

How Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Enhances Your Smile's Aesthetics

A radiant smile can be a powerful asset, boosting confidence and leaving a lasting impression. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we understand the impact a beautiful smile can have on your overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of porcelain veneers and explore how our dedicated team enhances smiles with precision and care.

Understanding Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth. Crafted from high-quality porcelain, these veneers mimic the natural appearance of teeth, providing a versatile solution to address various cosmetic dental concerns. Whether dealing with discoloration, chipped teeth, or uneven spacing, porcelain veneers offer a transformative and long-lasting solution.

The Aesthetic Transformation

One of the primary benefits of porcelain veneers is their ability to create a dramatic aesthetic transformation. Our skilled dental professionals at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry work closely with each patient to design veneers that complement their facial features and desired smile aesthetics. The result is a natural-looking, harmonious smile that enhances overall facial appearance.

Versatility in Cosmetic Corrections

Porcelain veneers offer a versatile solution for a range of cosmetic dental issues. Whether you’re dealing with stains, cracks, misalignments, or gaps between teeth, veneers can provide a comprehensive and harmonious solution. Our blog will showcase real-life examples, illustrating the diverse ways in which porcelain veneers have been used to address various aesthetic concerns.

Long-Term Durability and Maintenance

Porcelain veneers are known for their durability and resistance to staining. Our blog will discuss the long-term benefits of choosing veneers, including their ability to withstand everyday wear and tear. Additionally, we’ll provide practical tips on maintaining optimal oral hygiene and prolonging the lifespan of porcelain veneers.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation

 Embark on a journey to discover the benefits of porcelain veneers at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. Explore how our team combines artistry with advanced dental techniques to create smiles that radiate confidence and beauty. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more stunning smile!

Dental Issues and Composite Fillings

Dental Issues and Composite Fillings

How Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Preserves Natural Teeth

When it comes to maintaining optimal oral health, addressing dental issues promptly is key. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we prioritize the preservation of natural teeth while effectively treating common problems like cavities. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of composite fillings – a modern and aesthetically pleasing solution our dedicated team utilizes to restore dental health without compromising the beauty of your smile.

Understanding Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are a type of dental restoration made from a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles. Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, composite fillings are tooth-colored, providing a seamless and natural appearance. This makes them an excellent choice for both front and back teeth, ensuring that your smile remains as vibrant as ever.

The Treatment Process

Our experienced dental team at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry takes a meticulous approach to the treatment process. From the initial examination to the precise placement of the composite material, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. We’ll guide you through the steps involved in composite filling procedures, ensuring you have a clear understanding of how we restore and strengthen your natural teeth.

The Aesthetic Advantage

One of the standout features of composite fillings is their ability to mimic the natural color and translucency of teeth. This aesthetic advantage makes them an ideal choice for patients who prioritize a seamless blend with their natural smile. Our blog will showcase before-and-after images, highlighting the transformative power of composite fillings in enhancing both oral health and aesthetics.

Preserving More than Teeth

Beyond the cosmetic benefits, composite fillings offer structural advantages as well. Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, composite materials bond directly to the tooth, providing added support and helping to prevent further decay. We’ll delve into how this modern approach to dental fillings contributes to the preservation of your natural teeth over the long term.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile!

Join us on a journey to explore the world of composite fillings at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. Discover how our commitment to preserving natural teeth, combined with modern dental techniques, can restore your smile and enhance your overall oral health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile!

Importance of Technology in Dentistry

Importance of Technology in Dentistry

The Impact of Technology in Dentistry

For many of us, the very thought of a visit to the dentist can be stressful. But with modern advances in technology, dental care has become far more precise and comfortable than what it used to be. In Pinellas Park, Florida, dentists are taking advantage of cutting-edge technology such as digital X-rays, iTero scanners and intraoral cameras to offer patients improved diagnostics and treatment options for their dental health needs. By leveraging these technologies, experienced dentists can provide personalized & efficient care while reducing pain & discomfort during procedures. In this blog post we will explore why it is so important that you choose a dentist who has access to these technologies when looking for quality dental care in Pinellas Park!

Overview of how technology has changed the way dentistry is practiced

Over the years, technology has brought significant advancements in various sectors, and dentistry is no exception. The use of technology has revolutionized the way dental professionals practice and provide oral care to patients. Digital imaging technology has eradicated the need for traditional X-rays, making the process more efficient and reducing the amount of radiation exposure to patients. Additionally, the use of lasers has made dental procedures faster, more precise, and less invasive, reducing pain and healing time for patients. The availability of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems has made the creation of dental crowns, bridges, and other prosthetic devices more precise and more efficient. Indeed, technology has become an integral part of dentistry, allowing dental professionals to provide better treatments and a more comfortable experience for patients.

Advantages of using modern technology in dentistry, such as improved accuracy and efficiency

Modern technology has brought about a revolution in the field of dentistry, offering numerous advantages over traditional methods. The use of advanced tools has significantly improved the accuracy and precision of treatments, ensuring a higher success rate and better outcomes for patients. Efficiency is another major benefit of modern technology, as it speeds up the treatment process and reduces the overall time required for various procedures. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also allows dentists to attend to more patients in a shorter period, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved. Overall, the advantages of using modern technology in dentistry are numerous and offer a more comfortable and satisfying experience.

Examples of common technologies used in dental offices, such as digital X-rays, intraoral cameras, and CAD/CAM technology

In modern times, technology is taking over the healthcare industry, including dentistry. Dental offices now use advanced technologies to provide patients with the best possible care. Digital X-rays, intraoral cameras, and CAD/CAM technology are some of the technologies commonly used in dental offices. High-quality digital X-rays take images of your teeth and jaws, which can be viewed on a computer screen in real-time. Intraoral cameras are useful in detecting problems in places not easily visible to the naked eye. CAD/CAM technology is used to design and manufacture restorations such as crowns, inlays, and onlays. These technologies have revolutionized the dental industry, making it possible to provide fast, efficient, and accurate dental care to patients. As the use of advanced technologies in dental offices continues to evolve, patients can expect to see even better outcomes and experiences in the future.

Benefits for patients of utilizing these advances in technology, such as shorter appointment times and more convenient access to treatments

As technology continues to advance, patients are reaping the benefits of shorter appointment times and more accessible treatments. With the prevalence of telemedicine and other innovative solutions, patients no longer need to physically visit their healthcare provider to receive care. Instead, they can access virtual consultations and monitor their health from the comfort of their own homes. This not only saves time, but also improves patient satisfaction by reducing the hassle of coordinating transportation and taking time off work. Furthermore, the use of advanced technology allows for more precise and targeted treatments, resulting in better outcomes for patients. As healthcare continues to evolve, patients can look forward to more convenient and effective care.

Tips for finding a dental office that offers the latest technology

Finding a dental office that offers the latest technology has become increasingly important in recent years. With advancements in dental technology, patients can receive more precise diagnoses and treatment plans. A dental office that utilizes the latest technology can also help decrease waiting times and lead to shorter appointments. To find such a dental office, start by doing research online and reading reviews from other patients. Look for offices that advertise their use of high-tech equipment such as digital x-rays and 3D imaging. Additionally, consider asking your current dentist for recommendations or asking friends and family for referrals. With the right dental office, you can receive top-notch dental care using the latest tools and techniques available.

How to choose a dentist who is up-to-date with the newest technologies

When it comes to choosing a dentist, it is important to find one who stays up-to-date with the newest technologies in the field. Dentistry is a constantly evolving area, with advancements in equipment and techniques being made all the time. To ensure that you receive the best possible care, it is crucial that your dentist is knowledgeable about these latest innovations. Look for a dentist who attends ongoing education and training programs, and invests in state-of-the-art tools and equipment. By taking these steps, you can feel confident that you are receiving the highest quality of dental care available.

Contact Us Today

As you can see, technology has revolutionized the world of dentistry. It has made certain treatments faster and more accurate, and the overall patient experience more enjoyable. From digital x-rays to prosthetics fabrication, modern dental technologies are helping to improve oral health care around the globe. When you’re looking for a new dentist or dental office, consider choosing one that utilizes modern technologies for greater accuracy and convenience. Choose a professional with the latest knowledge and techniques in order to receive the best quality of care possible. If you’re ready for an up-to-date dentist who can provide the most sophisticated outlines of your oral health care needs – contact us today at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment with our experienced team! Taking advantage of these advances in dental technology can result in improved treatment times, better results, and happier smiles all round.

Full vs Partial Dentures

Full vs Partial Dentures

Full vs Partial Dentures: Which is Right for You?

For adults who are missing several teeth, dentures can be a great way to restore their smile, confidence, and functionality. Popular options available include full dentures and partial dentures. Both have their unique advantages and disadvantages, and it can be confusing to pick the right one for your situation. As your dentist in Pinellas Park, Florida, we are here to help you understand the difference between full vs partial dentures and guide you towards making the best decision.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are recommended for individuals with no remaining healthy teeth or those who need to have their remaining teeth extracted. A mold of your mouth is taken to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. Full dentures typically consist of an acrylic base that sits on the gum line and a set of prosthetic teeth that resemble the natural teeth. They are removable, which makes it easy to clean and maintain them. Full dentures can enhance your appearance, help you eat and speak better, and prevent further tooth loss. However, adjusting to full dentures can be difficult for some people, and it may take time to get used to them.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are designed for individuals who have some missing teeth but still have some healthy teeth remaining. They are made of a combination of plastic or acrylic base and metal framework that clips onto the remaining teeth. Partial dentures can be a cost-effective option and offer advantages such as improving your speech and preventing further tooth decay. They are also removable, making it easier to clean and maintain. However, some people may find partial dentures less comfortable than full dentures, and they may need adjustments to ensure the right fit.

Factors to Consider

When deciding between full and partial dentures, it’s important to consider various factors, such as your budget, dental health, and lifestyle needs. Full dentures are typically more costly than partial dentures but offer a more permanent solution for severe tooth loss. Partial dentures are often covered by dental insurance, making them a more affordable option for some patients. In terms of dental health, full dentures may offer better protection against gum disease and tooth decay. Your dentist can advise you on the best option based on your lifestyle and care requirements.

Care and Maintenance

Both full and partial dentures require regular care and maintenance to keep them clean and functional. You should rinse your dentures with warm water after eating and brush them with a soft-bristled brush and mild soap to remove food particles and stains. Avoid using hot water, bleach, or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the acrylic or metal components. Store your dentures in a container filled with water or denture solution when you’re not wearing them. It’s also recommended to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and adjustments.

Contact Us Today!

In conclusion, choosing between full and partial dentures depends on various factors such as dental health, lifestyle needs, and budget. Both options can offer improved functionality, appearance, and confidence. Understanding the difference between the two and consulting with your dentist can help you make an informed decision that suits your needs best. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we offer custom-made, high-quality dentures designed to fit your mouth and lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about our denture services. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with us to learn more about how we can restore your smile and confidence.

What causes bad breath?

What causes bad breath?

How to Identify and Treat Bad Breath

What causes bad breath?

Halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath, can be a major source of embarrassment. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is an internal problem, individuals are often unaware that they have bad breath until someone else points it out. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes bad breath, how to identify it in yourself, and how to treat it.

Causes of Bad Breath

The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. Not brushing or flossing regularly can lead to plaque buildup on the teeth which can cause bad breath. Additionally, certain food and drinks such as garlic or coffee can also contribute to bad breath. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes or acid reflux may also cause halitosis.

How to Identify Bad Breath

If you think you might have bad breath but don’t know for sure, try one of these methods. First, lick your wrist and let it dry for a few seconds before smelling your skin. The smell from your saliva should give you an idea of what your breath smells like. Alternatively, ask a close friend if they notice any strange odors when you talk or stand close together. Of course, the best way to determine whether or not you have halitosis is through a visit to Pinellas Park Dentist office where trained professionals can accurately detect and diagnose the source of the problem.

Treatment Options for Bad Breath

The first step in treating bad breath is good oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily. You should also consider drinking plenty of water throughout the day as this helps keep bacteria under control by washing away particles between brushings and rinsing away food particles that may be wedged between teeth or stuck on tongue surfaces. In addition to brushing and flossing regularly ,you should also visit Pinellas Park Dentist twice per year for routine checkups so that any underlying conditions such as gum disease can be identified early and treated appropriately before more severe damage occurs.

Bad breath (halitosis) can be caused by both external factors such as poor oral hygiene habits and internal factors such as certain medical conditions or medications taken by patients. To identify if one has halitosis they should consult Dr. Wade at your local Pinellas Park Dentist office who is a trained professional and able to accurately detect and diagnose its source. Once diagnosed there are many treatment options available including regular brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, drinking plenty of water throughout the day, visiting Pinellas Park Dentist office twice per year for routine checkups. Following these steps will help ensure that one’s bad breath is properly managed.

How deep teeth cleaning works

How deep teeth cleanings work

The Benefits of Deep Teeth
Cleanings with Dr. Wade, Pinellas Park Dentist

How deep teeth cleanings work

If you’ve ever been to the dentist and heard them mention the term “deep cleaning,” you may be wondering what it is and if it is something that you need for your oral health. Deep teeth cleaning is an important procedure for preventing gum disease and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It is a more thorough type of dental cleaning than regular checkups. Your Pinellas Park Dentist, Dr. Wade will walk through what to expect when getting a deep teeth cleaning to help you make an informed decision about your oral health needs.

What Is A Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A deep tooth cleaning (also known as scaling) goes beyond regular brushing, flossing, and checkup exams by targeting bacteria beneath the gum line where plaque can form into tartar build-up. This process removes harmful bacteria from hard-to-reach places that cannot be reached in a normal at-home hygiene routine. It also helps prevent periodontal diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

How Does A Deep Teeth Cleaning Work?

During a deep tooth cleaning, your Pinellas Park Dentist will use special tools designed to scrape away the hardened plaque (tartar) build up on your teeth beneath the gum line. This process helps remove bacteria from places that are difficult for regular brushing or flossing to reach. After scraping away the tartar buildup, your dentist will then use a polishing tool to smooth out any rough spots on your teeth where bacteria can hide and then finish off with a fluoride treatment to strengthen enamel and reduce decay risks over time.

Who Should Get A Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Deep tooth cleanings are typically recommended for those with visible signs of plaque buildup or who have been diagnosed with gingivitis or periodontal disease. However, even if you don’t currently have any issues with your oral health, it’s still beneficial to get these cleanings done every now and then as part of your preventive dental care routine because they can help catch issues before they become too serious and require extensive treatments later on down the road.

A deep tooth cleaning is an important part of preventive care that can help keep your smile healthy for many years to come! If you’re interested in learning more about how this procedure works or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wade at our Pinellas Park office call us today! With proper care and maintenance, our team can help ensure that you have healthy teeth and gums for years to come!

What Are Dental Sealants?

what are dental sealants

What Are The Advantages of Dental Sealants?

Brushing and flossing are the most effective ways to prevent cavities, but cleaning every nook and crevice of your teeth – especially those back teeth you use to chew – is not always easy (called molars). Molars are rough and irregular, making them an ideal hiding area for leftover food and cavity-causing bacteria. There is, however, another safety net to assist keep your teeth clean. A sealant is a thin, protective coating made of plastic or other dental materials that attaches to the chewing surface of your back teeth. They aren’t a replacement for brushing and flossing, but they can help prevent cavities from forming and may even prevent early stages of decay from progressing to full-blown cavities. Today on the blog, our dentist in Pinellas Park FL is answering, “what are dental sealants?”

How Are Dental Sealants Used With Kids?

Dr. Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, shares that sealants have been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of decay in molars by over 80%. This is especially critical for your child’s dental health. According to the CDC, school-age children who do not get sealants have nearly three times the number of cavities as children who do have sealants.

What Is the Function of Sealants?

Our Pinellas Park dentist explains sealants as raincoats for your teeth. When cavity-causing bacteria in everyone’s mouth come into contact with residual food particles, they release acids that can cause holes in teeth. Cavities are what these holes are. After the sealant is placed, it keeps food particles out and germs and acid from resting on your teeth, similar to how a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.

Who Is Eligible for Sealants?

Sealants can benefit both children and adults, but the sooner you get them, the better. Your first molars appear around the age of six, and your second molars break around twelve. Sealing these teeth as soon as they emerge can help keep them cavity-free from the start, saving time and money in the long term. Inquire with your dentist about if sealants are a good option for you and your family.

How Do Sealants Work?

It’s a simple and painless procedure. Before applying an acidic gel to your teeth, the dentist will clean and dry them. This gel roughens the surface of your tooth, allowing a strong bond to form between your tooth and the sealant. After a few seconds, your dentist near me will rinse off the gel and thoroughly dry your teeth before applying the sealant to the grooves of your tooth. The sealant will next be hardened by your dentist using a unique blue light.

Can Cavities Be Covered With Sealants?

Sealants can be used to protect your tooth from future harm caused by early decay. Because certain sealants are clear, your dentist can check to see if the sealant is performing its job.

Are There Any Negative Side Effects?

With the exception of a possible allergy, sealants have no known negative effects.

Is BPA present in sealants?
Yes, sealants contain trace amounts of BPA, but not enough to harm you or a loved one. In fact, simply touching a receipt, wearing cosmetics, or coming into contact with dust exposes you to more BPA.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry For Dental Sealants

Interested in dental sealants for you or your little one? Our team at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry is here to help. Contact us to learn more. 

National Dentist Day

national dentist day pinellas park fl

National Dentist Day - Your Dentist in Pinellas Park FL

How long has it been since you’ve been to the dentist for a checkup? Perhaps today, in honor of National Dentist Day, is the ideal opportunity to have your teeth checked!

In honor of this wonderful holiday, our team would like to talk about our great dentist, Dr. Brianne Wade. Continue reading to learn more about your Pinellas Park FL dentist.

Starting Her Practice

Dr. Wade earned her dental degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Sarasota. Dr. Wade has decided to start her own clinic in the town she lives in and loves after working in St. Pete for several years. After that, she was ecstatic to start a modern dental practice in Pinellas Park.

Dr. Wade enjoys giving back to the community. She volunteers with local charity Keep Pinellas Beautiful where she is committed to donate a portion of all new patient proceeds, supporting the non-profit’s efforts to provide local cleanups and keeping our beautiful beaches clean!

In Her Free Time

Dr. Wade and her husband, Dr. Brian Leeson, reside in St. Petersburg with their rescue cat Mittens. They also have a senior but rambunctious dog, Bailey. 

She spends her leisure time with her family, friends, and dogs, whether it’s outside, on the water, or cuddling up for a movie.

Mission Trips

Dr. Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, has participated on multiple mission trips to South America and participates with the Florida Mission of Mercy Outreach Program, which gives free dentistry to the impoverished people each year.

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry strives to meet all of your family’s dental requirements under one roof. We are experts in smile repair and aesthetic procedures such as dental fillings, crowns, implants, tooth removals, professional quality teeth whitening, veneers, and more.

We are pleased to assist you if you are experiencing tooth discomfort or simply need a fresh modern dentist office that makes you feel completely at home! Contact your dentist near me today.

Why See A Family Dentist

Children's Dental Health Month: Why See A Family Dentist

Finding a Family Dentist in Pinellas, FL

Seeing your Pinellas Park Dentist may save you time and money by preventing you from having to transport members of your family to multiple dental offices to meet their requirements. In addition, unlike a regular dentist, who usually caters to a particular age group, a family dentist, like dentist in Pinellas Park FL, may treat all members of your family, regardless of age.

Advantages Of A Family Dentist

As a result, a family dentist in Pinellas Park FL is a terrific method to provide your family with high-quality dental treatment without having to travel all over town for each individual’s dental visit. Here are some of the advantages of seeing a family dentist near me.

Knowing Family History

A family dentist like our friend Dr. Eastham, dentist Grand Junction, has the training and knowledge to treat everyone in your family, from babies to grandparents. This eliminates the need for each individual to have their dentist. Instead of scheduling appointments at several clinics and schlepping each family member to visit, one dentist takes care of everyone.


Patients may schedule an appointment for the whole family with a family dentist, and everyone will be treated simultaneously. Children may see the same dentist as they grow up and become adults when they see a family dentist.


Compared to a general dentist, family dentists provide a wider variety of services. It is because of this that they can serve people of various ages. For example, for youth, braces may be installed, and for the elderly, dentures can be designed by a family dentist near me.  In addition, they can do preventive procedures such as dental cleanings and aesthetic procedures like tooth whitening and veneers.

Better Bond With the Dentist

It’s good to have a dentist who knows your whole family’s names. It helps everyone in your family feel more at ease at the clinic and encourages them to communicate any concerns they may have. In addition, when the same dentist sees all family members, the oral expert can better comprehend any dental problems that run in the family.

Easy to Keep Track of Dental History

When a patient receives treatments from many dentists, keeping track of their dental history may be challenging. It is more straightforward when a single dentist handles a person’s dental requirements. It also makes it easy for the dentist to analyze how a patient responds to earlier treatment and track any emerging problems.

Teaches Entire Family

Children witness how their parents interact with the dentist when the whole family visits the same dentist, which helps them feel more at ease. A family dentist allows the entire family to get treatments such as dental cleanings simultaneously. When youngsters watch their parents receiving the same procedure and not be affected, they are less likely to freak out in the dentist chair.

With so many advantages to seeing a family dentist, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of individuals are opting for this option.

Contact our Family Dentist in Pinellas Park FL Today

Please request an appointment at our Pinellas Park office today in honor of Children’s Dental Health Month.

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

how to get my teeth whiter

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

Everyone wants a dazzling, white smile, but most individuals don’t know how. Some individuals brighten their teeth and decrease surface stains by using at-home whitening treatments like strips and gels or dental office procedures like chairside bleaching. Your dentist in Pinellas Park shares all you need to know about teeth whitening.

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Continue reading to learn about the impacts of whitening methods and items to think about. Your dentist in Pinellas Park FL will also tell you how long they’ll last and how you can keep them whiter for longer.

Is There a Time Limit?

The sort of whitener you use will determine how long your teeth will whiten, explains Pinellas Park dentist. Of course, your way of life has an impact, too.

Tooth whitening procedures are intended to lessen rather than eliminate stains. So, at-home items and dental operations can last longer if you maintain excellent oral habits and clean your teeth.

Here are the durations of some of the most popular whitening procedures.

Toothpaste With Bleach

It might take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks for you to notice any benefits if you use whitening toothpaste twice a day. The effects, according to users, may last up to three or four months.

Whitening toothpaste may be used daily or every week. Ingredients that polish or whiten teeth may be found in them, including:

Whitening Strips

The amount of sessions you’ll need to notice results with whitening strips varies. However, some strips provide better benefits that might last up to six months.

One of the most effective over-the-counter methods for teeth whitening at home is whitening strips. However, some brands are more user-friendly and efficient than others. To remove more strong stains, some people utilize LED accelerator lights.

Peroxide bleaches teeth and removes stains using whitening strips. They may be unpleasant or damaging to teeth if used improperly or too often.

Whitening Pens

It might take anywhere from two days to a week for whitening pens to work. They provide minor consequences that are generally short-lived.

Whitening pens are tiny, transportable plastic tubes containing whitening gel and are used to remove spot stains. Unfortunately, you can’t eat, drink, or clean your teeth for roughly an hour after applying the gel since it washes away readily.

Gel Trays

You should see effects with a whitening gel tray in approximately a week, with the best results appearing in 2 to 4 weeks. The amount of whitening you notice depends on the peroxide intensity and how long you wear it.

When used in conjunction with good dental care, at-home, dentist-supervised whitening gel trays should provide you with a year’s worth of benefits.

Then, your dentist may mold your mouth to fit a custom-made tray that you fill at home with whitening gel. Your dentist’s whitener is more potent than the kind found in over-the-counter teeth whitening kits.

This therapy will be overseen by your dentist, who will advise you on how long and how frequently you use it. For example, you may need to wear the tray for many hours or overnight every day for a week or longer in some instances.

In-Office Whitening

If you maintain appropriate dental hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) treatment should last for one to three years.

In your dentist’s office, this procedure is carried out. Only one visit is usually required.

It varies per practice what solution your dentist uses. For example, our friend Dr. Boals, dentist Colorado Springs uses a powerful bleaching chemical, such as highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, is used in this method. Heat or light may also be applied to speed up the bleaching agent’s action.

Side Effects

Tooth whiteners may cause irritation in the teeth and gums due to their active components. Typically, this isn’t a long-term solution. Long-term use of any peroxide or abrasive whitener might be unpleasant for some individuals.

More significant adverse effects are also possible, such as:

Gum Burns and Irritation

Gum burns and anger are more likely to occur with at-home gel trays or chairside whitening, but they may be prevented by thoroughly covering the gums before treatment and utilizing custom-fit trays. If your gums burn or are irritated, it should only last a few days.

Gum Bleaching

Your gums may get bleached and lose their color for a short time.

If you consume a whitening product, you may have a burning feeling in your throat or a mild stomachache.

Dental Care Tips

Below, our dentist in Pinellas Par FL shares some dental care tips. 

  • Keeping teeth clean and flossed can assist in avoiding cavities and gingivitis, as well as maintain teeth white.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably just after each meal.
  • Brush after a meal if you eat or drink.
  • After you’ve finished your meal, chew sugarless gum or rinse with water.
  • Finally, use whitening toothpaste or rinse as part of your regular dental care between whitening treatments.


Tooth whitening treatments and techniques are available at home and in the clinic.

Although at-home whitening treatments like whitening toothpaste, rinses, and pens don’t last very long, they may assist in extending the advantages of other, more powerful whitening procedures. Without the supervision of a dentist, white strips are the most effective over-the-counter whitening therapy.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry For Tooth Whitening

Do you want to improve the appearance of your smile? Teeth whitening is an excellent approach to improve your smile and remove yellow teeth. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry provides both in-office and take-home tooth whitening procedures to our patients. Visit our office for a teeth whitening consultation today! Want to learn more? Contact our office today!