Cosmetic Dentistry Options Over 40

Cosmetic Dentistry Options Over 40

What Are My Dental Options If Im Over 40?

As we age, it’s not uncommon for our teeth to be yellow and/or become stained. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, you may be considering some cosmetic dental options. From teeth whitening to dental implants near you, our team of specialists can help you have the smile you want. If you’re considering any type of cosmetic dental procedure, be sure to discuss it with your Pinellas Park FL dentist to find out what option is right for you.

What Can I Do To Maintain My Oral Health?

A beautiful smile is one of the first things that people notice about us, and it can have a big impact on our self-confidence. Unfortunately, many of us take our smiles for granted and don’t realize how important it is to take care of our teeth and gums. The good news is that it’s never too late to start taking better care of our oral health, as talked about with our friends over at OG Dental, the best dentist in Denver CO. By brushings twice a day, flossing regularly, and avoiding sugary foods and drinks, we can all keep our teeth healthy and our smiles looking great. And in addition to improving our appearance, good oral health has been linked with overall better physical health. So taking care of our teeth is not only good for our looks but also for our general wellbeing. So let’s all make an effort to protect our smiles – they’re worth it!

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

In the past, cosmetic dentistry near you was mostly about correcting minor flaws. However, advances in dental technology have made it possible to completely transform a smile. Whether you are looking to whiten your teeth or completely redesign your mouth, there is a cosmetic dentistry option that will suit your needs.

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Crowns
  • Dental Bonding

How Do I Know If I’m A Candidate For Dental Bonding?

There are many different factors to consider when determining whether or not you are a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry. First, it is important to consider your overall oral health. If you have extensive decay or other dental problems, it may be necessary to address those issues first before moving forward with cosmetic procedures. In addition, your dentist will need to take a detailed look at your teeth in order to determine if they are structurally sound enough to undergo cosmetic treatment. Another important consideration is your gum tissue. If you have receding gums or other periodontal issues, your dentist in Pinellas Park may recommend treatment for those problems before proceeding with cosmetic dentistry.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Today

No matter your age, it’s never too late to improve your smile. If you’re unhappy with the way your teeth look, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry today to see what your options are for cosmetic dentistry. We offer a variety of treatments that can address everything from stained teeth to gaps and chips. We’ll work with you to create a treatment plan that fits your needs and budget. And because we understand that everyone’s smile is unique, we’ll take the time to get to know you and ensure that you’re getting the results you want. So don’t wait any longer, call us today and let us help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.

Dental Hygiene Tips from Our Dental

Dental Hygiene Tips from Our Dental

Finding a Family Dentist in Pinellas, FL

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Hygiene

As you’ve probably heard, dental hygiene may affect general health. For example, gum disease has been related to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, premature labor, and possibly Alzheimer’s. Keep reading to get some Dental Hygiene Tips from Our Dental office in, Pinellas Park Fl, and see what they have to say. That’s why oral hygiene is vital. But regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits may not be enough. With these easy actions, you can enhance your oral hygiene and overall health. Who wouldn’t smile?

Dental Hygiene Tips from Our Dental 

When Is The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth 

 Acidic meals and drinks temporarily weaken the enamel of the teeth. Brushing might destroy the enamel shortly after rinsing, rendering teeth more prone to decay. So avoid brushing after citrus, tomatoes, cola, and wine. In one research, participants who waited 30-60 minutes before brushing had less tooth wear than those who brushed sooner. 

Try Using A Softer Toothbrush 

If you use a harsh brush, consider changing it now. For example, medium- and firm-bristled brushes may feel cleaner, but they are abrasive and can damage teeth over time. Dental cleaning is essential, and some dentist thinks most individuals could get by with a soft-bristled brush. Also, don’t brush too hard. It harms your teeth and gums. Some recommendations are a 45-degree angle against the gum line and a brief, circular motion. 

Begin Brushing In The Back 

This beneficial practice may help you clean those hard-to-reach places on your molars, which are more prone to gum disease and cavities. In addition, starting your brushing regimen from the back gives the back of your mouth the care it needs.  

Use Mouthwash and Gum Routinely

You may think twice-daily brushing and flossing is plenty. However, antimicrobial mouthwashes like Listerine® Antiseptic Mouthwash help destroy oral germs and combat plaque. Swish vigorously for 30 seconds after brushing and flossing. Also, chew gum. The best dentist in Pinellas Park, recommends sugar-free gum can help decrease oral bacteria and boost salivary flow, which bathes teeth in calcium and phosphate ions that help rebuild enamel. 

Try To Not Overbrush and Avoid Sugary Drinks 

Brushing after meals used to be advised. However, brushing too often might harm your gums and enamel; therefore, most dentists recommend brushing only twice daily. Instead, rinse with plain water after every meal and snack.  While you should restrict sugary beverages in your diet, consuming them all at once rather than drinking them throughout the day is best.

 Eat Whitening Foods 

Yes, some foods can help keep your pearly teeth white. Our dentist in Pinellas Park say, fibrous vegetables like celery, cucumbers, apples, pears, carrots, and lettuce help exfoliate tooth surfaces and eliminate plaque that may yellow teeth. These crunchy meals also activate saliva, which helps neutralize acids that can damage teeth. 

When Was The Last Time You Scrubbed Your Toothbrush Container?

It not only contains your brush but also many of the bacteria in your bathroom. For example, toothbrush holders hold the most germs for a home item (your dish sponge and kitchen sink take the first and second spots). Follow our friends over at Green Dental Care, the best dentist in Parker CO, for advice. 

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Today

Our team of experts are here to help you receive the best care possible for your smile. We know that our smile means the world to us and with our help, we are confident to give you the smile you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

how to get my teeth whiter

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

Everyone wants a dazzling, white smile, but most individuals don’t know how. Some individuals brighten their teeth and decrease surface stains by using at-home whitening treatments like strips and gels or dental office procedures like chairside bleaching. Your dentist in Pinellas Park shares all you need to know about teeth whitening.

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Continue reading to learn about the impacts of whitening methods and items to think about. Your dentist in Pinellas Park FL will also tell you how long they’ll last and how you can keep them whiter for longer.

Is There a Time Limit?

The sort of whitener you use will determine how long your teeth will whiten, explains Pinellas Park dentist. Of course, your way of life has an impact, too.

Tooth whitening procedures are intended to lessen rather than eliminate stains. So, at-home items and dental operations can last longer if you maintain excellent oral habits and clean your teeth.

Here are the durations of some of the most popular whitening procedures.

Toothpaste With Bleach

It might take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks for you to notice any benefits if you use whitening toothpaste twice a day. The effects, according to users, may last up to three or four months.

Whitening toothpaste may be used daily or every week. Ingredients that polish or whiten teeth may be found in them, including:

Whitening Strips

The amount of sessions you’ll need to notice results with whitening strips varies. However, some strips provide better benefits that might last up to six months.

One of the most effective over-the-counter methods for teeth whitening at home is whitening strips. However, some brands are more user-friendly and efficient than others. To remove more strong stains, some people utilize LED accelerator lights.

Peroxide bleaches teeth and removes stains using whitening strips. They may be unpleasant or damaging to teeth if used improperly or too often.

Whitening Pens

It might take anywhere from two days to a week for whitening pens to work. They provide minor consequences that are generally short-lived.

Whitening pens are tiny, transportable plastic tubes containing whitening gel and are used to remove spot stains. Unfortunately, you can’t eat, drink, or clean your teeth for roughly an hour after applying the gel since it washes away readily.

Gel Trays

You should see effects with a whitening gel tray in approximately a week, with the best results appearing in 2 to 4 weeks. The amount of whitening you notice depends on the peroxide intensity and how long you wear it.

When used in conjunction with good dental care, at-home, dentist-supervised whitening gel trays should provide you with a year’s worth of benefits.

Then, your dentist may mold your mouth to fit a custom-made tray that you fill at home with whitening gel. Your dentist’s whitener is more potent than the kind found in over-the-counter teeth whitening kits.

This therapy will be overseen by your dentist, who will advise you on how long and how frequently you use it. For example, you may need to wear the tray for many hours or overnight every day for a week or longer in some instances.

In-Office Whitening

If you maintain appropriate dental hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) treatment should last for one to three years.

In your dentist’s office, this procedure is carried out. Only one visit is usually required.

It varies per practice what solution your dentist uses. For example, our friend Dr. Boals, dentist Colorado Springs uses a powerful bleaching chemical, such as highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, is used in this method. Heat or light may also be applied to speed up the bleaching agent’s action.

Side Effects

Tooth whiteners may cause irritation in the teeth and gums due to their active components. Typically, this isn’t a long-term solution. Long-term use of any peroxide or abrasive whitener might be unpleasant for some individuals.

More significant adverse effects are also possible, such as:

Gum Burns and Irritation

Gum burns and anger are more likely to occur with at-home gel trays or chairside whitening, but they may be prevented by thoroughly covering the gums before treatment and utilizing custom-fit trays. If your gums burn or are irritated, it should only last a few days.

Gum Bleaching

Your gums may get bleached and lose their color for a short time.

If you consume a whitening product, you may have a burning feeling in your throat or a mild stomachache.

Dental Care Tips

Below, our dentist in Pinellas Par FL shares some dental care tips. 

  • Keeping teeth clean and flossed can assist in avoiding cavities and gingivitis, as well as maintain teeth white.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably just after each meal.
  • Brush after a meal if you eat or drink.
  • After you’ve finished your meal, chew sugarless gum or rinse with water.
  • Finally, use whitening toothpaste or rinse as part of your regular dental care between whitening treatments.


Tooth whitening treatments and techniques are available at home and in the clinic.

Although at-home whitening treatments like whitening toothpaste, rinses, and pens don’t last very long, they may assist in extending the advantages of other, more powerful whitening procedures. Without the supervision of a dentist, white strips are the most effective over-the-counter whitening therapy.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry For Tooth Whitening

Do you want to improve the appearance of your smile? Teeth whitening is an excellent approach to improve your smile and remove yellow teeth. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry provides both in-office and take-home tooth whitening procedures to our patients. Visit our office for a teeth whitening consultation today! Want to learn more? Contact our office today!

TMJ Awareness Month

TMJ Awareness Month Pinellas Park FL

TMJ Awareness Month

Celebrating TMJ Awareness Month

Happy TMJ Awareness Month. To bring awareness to this popular issue, our dentist instructs you to do the following. First, place your index fingers on either side of your face, just in front of your ears. Then, our dentist in Pinellas Park FL instructs you to open and shut your lips gently. So, the rounded ends of your jawbone are gliding through the sockets in your temporal bones or the lower lateral portions of your skull that encompass your inner ears and temples.

Additionally, our Pinellas Park dentist explains that the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are two movable hinges that link either side of your jawbone to your skull. As follows, your TMJs let your jaw to move back and forth and side to side when you eat, in addition to allowing you to open your mouth easily.

However, TMJ dysfunction is a persistent and frequently painful disease that can limit jaw mobility and make it difficult to eat regularly and speak clearly for an estimated 10 million individuals in the United States. Here’s everything you need to know.

Recognizing TMJ Problems 

Your jaws move easily, smoothly, and pleasantly when your temporomandibular joints are healthy and in good operating condition. As follows, our Pinellas Park FL dentist explains that damaged or dysfunctional temporomandibular joints, can cause a wide range of symptoms. These range from jaw and face discomfort to recurring headaches.

Additionally, TMJ issues can develop when the cartilage that cushions the jawbone in its socket deteriorates due to wear and strain, such as arthritis. Also, they can also form as a result of a severe injury to the tiny, shock-absorbing disc that allows for fluid jawbone movement. If you’re looking for TMJ treatment near me, look no further. We’re here to help.

Furthermore, we worked with our friends at Bookcliff Family Dental, Grand Junction dentist, to identify the most common reasons of TMJ pain.

  • Grinding or clenching of the teeth (bruxism)
  • An incorrectly positioned jaw or bite
  • Joint degeneration caused by arthritis
  • Erosion or misalignment of the discs
  • Joint or disc injury caused by an impact

While any dysfunction within your TM joints’ complex system of bones, muscles, ligaments, and discs can cause persistent jaw and face discomfort, certain TMJ problems develop without an evident or recognizable underlying cause.

Recognizing TMJ Disorder Symptoms

TMJ dysfunction manifests as in some people as an audible clicking or popping feeling in their jaws when they talk, chew, or open their lips. Although these noises and feelings may be alarming or even unpleasant, they are usually painless—at least at first.

TMJ dysfunction is often accompanied by some degree of jaw discomfort or face pain, either of which may (or may not) be followed by acute pain in one or both of the TM joints. The following are some of the most common symptoms of TMJ disorder:

  • Jaw muscles that are stiff or too tight
  • Pain radiating from the jaw, cheek, or neck
  • Tenderness in the area of one or both ears
  • Chewing difficulty or discomfort
  • Pain or sensitivity in the teeth

TMJ Dysfunction Diagnosis

Dr. Wade has vast expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ and its accompanying problems. She may have you bite down on a dental probe to evaluate your jaw strength or open your mouth as wide as you can to examine your TM joint range of motion after gently pushing on your TM joints to look for symptoms of abnormal joint erosion, muscle pain, and inflammation.

Dr. Wade may also feel and listen to your TM joints while you open and shut your mouth for abnormal motion, clicking, and popping.

Identifying successful TMJ treatments

Although the underlying cause of your problem and the severity of your symptoms dictate your unique TMJ treatment approach, the great majority of TMJ disorders respond favorably to a mix of conservative care options.

Over-the-counter pain medicines can help you sleep better at night and take the edge off chronic agony. However, if you choose to avoid medication, ice packs or moist heat can also give significant relief.

Switching to a soft diet temporarily reduces inflammation and pain. This allows your jaws to relax, and knowing how to massage and stretch your jaw muscles will help you relax.

Contact Us Today

We can assist you if you are ready to put an end to persistent jaw discomfort. Contact our Pinellas Park dental office to schedule. 

Overcoming Dental Fears With Sedation Dentistry

overcoming dental fears with sedation dentistry - Pinellas Park FL

Overcoming Dental Fears With Sedation Dentistry 

Visiting the dentist isn’t a stroll in the park for everyone. In fact, many people suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist. No matter where this stems from, our Park Boulevard Family Dentistry team wants to make sure you have the best experience possible. That’s why we offer patients a few sedation dentistry options. Read the following to learn how you could start overcoming your dental fears with sedation dentistry.  

Reasons for Dental Fear & Anxiety

You’re probably not surprised to learn that the most common reason for dental phobia is the anticipation of pain. Worrying about pain may stem from your own experience or from stories told by friends and family members who have had a bad experience in the dental chair. It makes no difference how your aversion to pain arose. We never downplay your dental fear or anxiety at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. Our team is passionate and empathetic to delivering the best dental services to all of our patients.

Fear of needles and anticipating pain during your dental care is another reason our patients become anxious about dental care. Other factors that rank high on the list are:

  • The sounds of drills or other dental instruments
  • Sensitive to touch
  • Gag reflex
  • Being unfamiliar with dental treatment

Overcoming Your Fear of the Dentist

Unfortunately, it only takes one bad experience to cause dental fear or anxiety. You have nothing to worry about when you visit our dental office. Our team will address any of your concerns and communicate with you every step of the way. Don’t let your fear of the dentist stop you from having a happy and healthy smile. Let Dr. Wade know, and we will discuss sedation options. So, how are patients overcoming their dental fears with sedation dentistry? The following are a few benefits of sedation dentistry:

  • Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear.
  • Reduce your fear of dental instruments.
  • Overcome your sensitivity to smells, sounds, and tastes.
  • Assist patients who have a strong gag reflex.

Your treatment is tailored to the type of sedation that is most appropriate for your level of anxiety and the dental procedure you require. Here is a list of the various types of sedation available.

Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide is an anesthetic gas inhaled through a mask. Nitrous oxide causes you to stay awake, but it effectively reduces anxiety and pain. It gives you the impression that you are disconnected from the activity going on in your mouth.

The gas dissolves in your bloodstream and quickly reaches your brain; it then quickly leaves your body when your treatment is finished. Nitrous oxide, when combined with a local anesthetic, effectively eliminates fear and pain, so it may be sufficient to alleviate mild to moderate anxiety and fear.

Oral Sedation

A pill or fluid is used to induce conscious sedation. The medications used to make you drowsy, significantly reduce anxiety, and relieve pain. We can administer this type of sedation in a variety of doses to achieve the following results:

  • A minimal effect that relieves anxiety and allows you to relax
  • The effect is moderate, and it relaxes you enough to make you sleepy.
  • Deep effect that will most likely put you to sleep
  • Because you are not under general anesthesia, if you fall asleep, you are easily awakened.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves the administration of medication directly into a vein. It allows you to be sedated more deeply, but it does not put you to sleep, and you can still breathe on your own. You will not be fully aware of your dental procedure if you choose IV sedation, but you will be able to respond to questions.

Because it takes effect quickly, and you don’t fully recall the details of the procedure. Our friend, Dr. Kacos, a sedation dentist in Shreveport, LA, says IV sedation is often a good choice for highly anxious people. We can also provide additional pain relief by administering a local anesthetic; however, the anesthetic is administered after your IV sedation has taken effect.

Overcoming dental fears with sedation dentistry isn’t as hard as you think! If you have been putting off visiting your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, be sure to contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. We look forward to meeting you soon!

What To Expect During a Dental Cleaning

what happens during a dental cleaning - Pinellas Park FL

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning

Many people dread having their teeth cleaned at their dental office. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we understand that the strange noises and prodding can be a bit scary. For most people, a professional dental cleaning is simple and painless. To help ease your mind, Dr. Wade, your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, shares what happens during a dental cleaning in the following article.

Full Mouth Examination

A dental hygienist performs the majority of teeth cleanings. They begin the cleaning process with a physical examination of your entire mouth. When you visit our dental office, your dental hygienist will examine your teeth and gums, looking for signs of dental problems. Some common dental problems include cavities, gingivitis, and tooth decay. If major issues are discovered, Dr. Wade will further examine the problem area at the end of the appointment and work with you to find a solution.

Plaque & Tartar Removal

The dental hygienist uses a scaler to remove plaque and tartar at the base of your teeth/gum line. We asked our friend Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, about plaque removal. Dr. Kim agrees the scraping is completely normal. Most patients don’t like this part of their dental cleaning because of the noise. Many offices use headphones to help eliminate the sound. 

Brushing and flossing daily prevent plaque from accumulating and transforming into tartar. After tartar has formed, it can only be removed at the dentist.


After your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, the hygienist will brush them with a high-powered electric brush. We use a special toothpaste that helps eliminate stains and strengthen enamel. It does, however, have a gritty texture. This tooth polishing is considered safe to do twice a year if done by a professional. However, don’t be as rough on your teeth at home, as this will wear down the enamel.


Whether you floss at home or not, nothing beats a professional flossing session. Your dental hygienist can reach deep between your teeth and identify any potential problem areas where you may bleed at the gums. Not to mention they can fully see your teeth. Nothing beats professional flossing! 

Rinse + Fluoride Treatment

After that, we will rinse your mouth of any debris. Depending on the patient, we may rinse with fluoride. Of course, we will be rinsing your mouth in between each step to ensure that you can relax without toothpaste or tartar in your mouth. 

A fluoride treatment is the final step in the cleaning process. For several months, this treatment is used as a preventative measure for your teeth to help fight cavities. Both children and adults can benefit from fluoride treatments, says Dr. Wade. 

Your dental hygienist may inquire as to which flavor you prefer. This foamy gel will be applied to your teeth. It is typically takes one minute. Fluoride varnish is also applied to the teeth with a small brush in addition to the foamy gel. Because fluoride varnish hardens when it comes into contact with saliva, you can eat and drink right away.

Contact a Dentist Near Me

Whether you’re visiting our dental office in Pinellas Park for a dental cleaning or other dental services, we’re here to help. Hopefully, you feel a little more comfortable visiting your dentist now that you know what happens during a dental cleaning. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Park Boulevard Family Dental today!