Overcoming Dental Fears With Sedation Dentistry

overcoming dental fears with sedation dentistry - Pinellas Park FL

Overcoming Dental Fears With Sedation Dentistry 

Visiting the dentist isn’t a stroll in the park for everyone. In fact, many people suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist. No matter where this stems from, our Park Boulevard Family Dentistry team wants to make sure you have the best experience possible. That’s why we offer patients a few sedation dentistry options. Read the following to learn how you could start overcoming your dental fears with sedation dentistry.  

Reasons for Dental Fear & Anxiety

You’re probably not surprised to learn that the most common reason for dental phobia is the anticipation of pain. Worrying about pain may stem from your own experience or from stories told by friends and family members who have had a bad experience in the dental chair. It makes no difference how your aversion to pain arose. We never downplay your dental fear or anxiety at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. Our team is passionate and empathetic to delivering the best dental services to all of our patients.

Fear of needles and anticipating pain during your dental care is another reason our patients become anxious about dental care. Other factors that rank high on the list are:

  • The sounds of drills or other dental instruments
  • Sensitive to touch
  • Gag reflex
  • Being unfamiliar with dental treatment

Overcoming Your Fear of the Dentist

Unfortunately, it only takes one bad experience to cause dental fear or anxiety. You have nothing to worry about when you visit our dental office. Our team will address any of your concerns and communicate with you every step of the way. Don’t let your fear of the dentist stop you from having a happy and healthy smile. Let Dr. Wade know, and we will discuss sedation options. So, how are patients overcoming their dental fears with sedation dentistry? The following are a few benefits of sedation dentistry:

  • Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear.
  • Reduce your fear of dental instruments.
  • Overcome your sensitivity to smells, sounds, and tastes.
  • Assist patients who have a strong gag reflex.

Your treatment is tailored to the type of sedation that is most appropriate for your level of anxiety and the dental procedure you require. Here is a list of the various types of sedation available.

Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide is an anesthetic gas inhaled through a mask. Nitrous oxide causes you to stay awake, but it effectively reduces anxiety and pain. It gives you the impression that you are disconnected from the activity going on in your mouth.

The gas dissolves in your bloodstream and quickly reaches your brain; it then quickly leaves your body when your treatment is finished. Nitrous oxide, when combined with a local anesthetic, effectively eliminates fear and pain, so it may be sufficient to alleviate mild to moderate anxiety and fear.

Oral Sedation

A pill or fluid is used to induce conscious sedation. The medications used to make you drowsy, significantly reduce anxiety, and relieve pain. We can administer this type of sedation in a variety of doses to achieve the following results:

  • A minimal effect that relieves anxiety and allows you to relax
  • The effect is moderate, and it relaxes you enough to make you sleepy.
  • Deep effect that will most likely put you to sleep
  • Because you are not under general anesthesia, if you fall asleep, you are easily awakened.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves the administration of medication directly into a vein. It allows you to be sedated more deeply, but it does not put you to sleep, and you can still breathe on your own. You will not be fully aware of your dental procedure if you choose IV sedation, but you will be able to respond to questions.

Because it takes effect quickly, and you don’t fully recall the details of the procedure. Our friend, Dr. Kacos, a sedation dentist in Shreveport, LA, says IV sedation is often a good choice for highly anxious people. We can also provide additional pain relief by administering a local anesthetic; however, the anesthetic is administered after your IV sedation has taken effect.

Overcoming dental fears with sedation dentistry isn’t as hard as you think! If you have been putting off visiting your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, be sure to contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. We look forward to meeting you soon!