What To Expect During a Dental Cleaning

what happens during a dental cleaning - Pinellas Park FL

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning

Many people dread having their teeth cleaned at their dental office. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we understand that the strange noises and prodding can be a bit scary. For most people, a professional dental cleaning is simple and painless. To help ease your mind, Dr. Wade, your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, shares what happens during a dental cleaning in the following article.

Full Mouth Examination

A dental hygienist performs the majority of teeth cleanings. They begin the cleaning process with a physical examination of your entire mouth. When you visit our dental office, your dental hygienist will examine your teeth and gums, looking for signs of dental problems. Some common dental problems include cavities, gingivitis, and tooth decay. If major issues are discovered, Dr. Wade will further examine the problem area at the end of the appointment and work with you to find a solution.

Plaque & Tartar Removal

The dental hygienist uses a scaler to remove plaque and tartar at the base of your teeth/gum line. We asked our friend Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, about plaque removal. Dr. Kim agrees the scraping is completely normal. Most patients don’t like this part of their dental cleaning because of the noise. Many offices use headphones to help eliminate the sound. 

Brushing and flossing daily prevent plaque from accumulating and transforming into tartar. After tartar has formed, it can only be removed at the dentist.


After your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, the hygienist will brush them with a high-powered electric brush. We use a special toothpaste that helps eliminate stains and strengthen enamel. It does, however, have a gritty texture. This tooth polishing is considered safe to do twice a year if done by a professional. However, don’t be as rough on your teeth at home, as this will wear down the enamel.


Whether you floss at home or not, nothing beats a professional flossing session. Your dental hygienist can reach deep between your teeth and identify any potential problem areas where you may bleed at the gums. Not to mention they can fully see your teeth. Nothing beats professional flossing! 

Rinse + Fluoride Treatment

After that, we will rinse your mouth of any debris. Depending on the patient, we may rinse with fluoride. Of course, we will be rinsing your mouth in between each step to ensure that you can relax without toothpaste or tartar in your mouth. 

A fluoride treatment is the final step in the cleaning process. For several months, this treatment is used as a preventative measure for your teeth to help fight cavities. Both children and adults can benefit from fluoride treatments, says Dr. Wade. 

Your dental hygienist may inquire as to which flavor you prefer. This foamy gel will be applied to your teeth. It is typically takes one minute. Fluoride varnish is also applied to the teeth with a small brush in addition to the foamy gel. Because fluoride varnish hardens when it comes into contact with saliva, you can eat and drink right away.

Contact a Dentist Near Me

Whether you’re visiting our dental office in Pinellas Park for a dental cleaning or other dental services, we’re here to help. Hopefully, you feel a little more comfortable visiting your dentist now that you know what happens during a dental cleaning. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Park Boulevard Family Dental today!