Do I Need A Root Canal?

Do I Need A Root Canal?

Should I Get a Look Into Getting A Root Canal?

Root canals in Pinellas Park FL are often needed when a tooth’s nerve becomes infected or damaged. This can happen due to decay, an injury, or repeated dental procedures. The most common symptom of an infected nerve is pain. You may also experience tenderness, swelling, or inflammation. If the infection is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of your body and cause serious health problems. If you think you may need a root canal, it’s important to see a dentist near you as soon as possible. They will be able to determine whether or not you need treatment and help you get the care you need.

What Is A Root Canal?

A Pinellas Park FL root canal is a procedure to remove the inflamed or infected pulp from the inside of the tooth. Inflamed or infected pulp can cause severe pain or lead to an abscess. A root canal is also known as endodontic treatment. The word “endo” means inside and “odont” means tooth in Greek. Endodontic treatment removes the bad pulp, cleans the root canal, and fills and seal the space. After the root canal is done, your dentist will place a crown or other restoration on the tooth to protect and restore it to its full function.

Does The Procedure Hurt?

There are so many people that are afraid to receive root canals but with today’s medicine, there is minimum pain or discomfort. The area is treated after receiving numbing medications so it is relatively painless. The following few days after you can feel some soreness or sensitivity to the area.

Benefits of Receiving A Root Canal

There are so many reasons why we should receive a root canal if the doctor recommends the procedure. Below are just a few reasons why our team recommends that we should move forward with it:

  • Correct the cause of your tooth pain
  • Limit the chance of infection and bone loss
  • If treaded soon enough and will eliminate the chance of tooth extraction

Signs That You Might Need A Root Canal

  • Chipped or Cracked Tooth
  • Swollen Gums
  • Severe Pain
  • Sensitivity to Hot and Cold
  • Bumps on Your Gums

Root Canal Recovery

After you have a root canal procedure, it is normal to experience some level of discomfort. Our friends over at Shreveport Dental Solutions, the best dentist in Shreveport LA remind us that this is due to the fact that your tooth and the surrounding area have been through a significant amount of work and needs time to heal properly. For the first few days, you may take over-the-counter pain medication to help with any discomfort you may be experiencing. If the pain persists or gets worse after a week, please don’t hesitate to contact your Pinellas Park FL dentist. Also, please be sure to get a crown put on your tooth following the root canal procedure. The crown will help protect your tooth from any further damage. Taking these simple steps will help ensure that you recover from your root canal procedure quickly and with minimal discomfort.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

At Park Boulevard Family Dentist, we understand that maintaining good oral health is important for both your physical and mental well-being. We also know that it can be difficult to find the time and resources to properly care for your teeth. That’s why our team is here to help. We offer a wide range of dental services, from routine checkups and cleanings to more complex procedures. So whether you’re looking for a new dentist or just need to schedule a cleaning, we hope you’ll give us a call. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have.