How to Fix a Chipped Tooth


How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth? Ouch! If you’re experiencing any discomfort, contact an emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. Dr. Wade will be happy to see you for a broken tooth repair. So, are you curious about how to fix a chipped tooth? Continue reading below to learn more. 

First Things First

Chipped teeth happen all the time, especially in children. If you or your child has a chipped tooth, you might not be able to visit your dentist right away. Don’t panic. Just follow these at-home remedies to get rid of swelling and pain. 

  • Attempting over-the-counter (OTC) Pain Relievers
  • Rinsing with saltwater
  • Using a cold ice pack

Note: So, if the chipped tooth was caused by a very stressful incident that resulted in considerable pain and bleeding, go to the nearest emergency facility right away.


Dental bonding is the most likely repair method recommended by your dentist. This composite material helps fix the simplest chips or cracks in teeth. The restorative dentistry treatment is also very affordable. Additionally, Dr. Wade believes bonding is an excellent choice, and here’s why:

  • Fast & easy
  • Effective
  • Durable
  • Affordable
  • Natural

Dental Veneers 

Veneers may be a better alternative if the chip is a little larger. While bonding is used to replace tiny chips, veneers are porcelain covers that are placed on the front of the tooth. They have a very smooth and natural appearance. Veneers are fairly cheap if only one tooth is chipped, but multiple might be costly. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, recommends dental bonding for a minimal crack. Of course, everyone’s situation is different. Ask your dentist for a consultation.

Dental Crown

Dental veneers and dental crowns are similar because they’re made of porcelain. A crown encompasses the entire tooth, whereas veneers cover the front of a chipped tooth. Crowns are an effective treatment when the chip is large, and much of the tooth is lost. Crowns are also available in a variety of styles, but Dr. Wade will likely choose a crown that blends in with your smile. Furthermore, dental crowns are a great restorative treatment because they protect the damaged tooth and restore original function. 

Dental Implants

Usually, a dental implant will not be used to fix a chipped tooth. However, if you experience serious breaks in your tooth, you may need one. If the tooth is not salvageable, Dr. Wade would need to extract the tooth and replace it with an implant. Once healed, a permanent metal post would be implanted into your gum line. Dental implants look and feel natural. They are a permanent solution to missing teeth. Ask your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, if dental implants are needed. a

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Not all tooth chips are the same, just like no two snowflakes or fingerprints. So, before you decide on the best solution for you and your oral health, your dentist must examine it thoroughly. Additionally, maintaining regular oral care, regardless of the route you take, will only keep your repaired tooth happy and healthy. Chipped teeth can be hard to avoid since you never know when they’ll happen. Give us a call if you’re experiencing a dental emergency.

How to Stop Tooth Pain

stop tooth pain - pinellas park Fl

Tips for How to Stop Tooth Pain

A toothache can come out of nowhere and cause some severe discomfort. You’ll want to know how to minimize tooth pain until you see the best dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. Pain is a sign that something is wrong. So, be sure to see a dental professional for emergency dentistry. Read the article below, where Dr. Wade shares a few tips on how to stop tooth pain. 

Pain Relievers 

Taking some pain relievers is an obvious solution for tooth pain. If Dr. Wade hasn’t already prescribed medicine for your discomfort, you can always try over-the-counter medication. Please follow the recommended dosage for 24 hours. If your tooth pain is getting worse, be sure to contact your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL.

Analgesic Cream

While this is only a short-term solution, Orajel or another analgesic gel can numb the gums around your impacted tooth. This will temporarily reduce the pain and let you sleep until you can see your dentist. Please keep in mind that this is not a long-term solution. 

Warm, Saltwater

One of our oldest tricks in the book is using warm saltwater. Our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO, says that this technique may not immediately relieve your tooth pain, but it will help rinse your mouth of bacteria that may be causing your pain in the first place. Simply rinse your mouth and the afflicted tooth for a few seconds before spitting it out.

Ice-cold Compresses

You may be surprised to hear that an ice-cold compress could stop tooth pain. Icing your cheek, the outside of the afflicted tooth, or applying a cold compress to the area will numb it and, more importantly, lessen the swelling that is causing the discomfort. Make sure to only ice for up to twenty minutes.

Permanent Tea

Just about any tea can help soothe a hurting tooth, but peppermint tea includes properties that can also help numb the affected area. Make sure that if you use this remedy to stop tooth pain that the tea is not too hot. Your tooth is already sensitive enough. 

Clove Oil

Many people swear by clove oil as a natural painkiller for toothaches. Too much oil, on the other hand, can numb a large portion of your mouth. According to specialists, a couple of drops on a cotton ball placed only on your impacted tooth can help minimize the discomfort and swelling.

Contact Dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

There are several ways you can stop tooth pain. However, the best solution is searching for an emergency dentist near me. If you’re in any pain, please contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry today! Our team will help you get out of pain and back to smiling in no time!

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction

do I need a tooth extraction - pinellas park fl

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

Many people believe that if a tooth hurts, they need a tooth extraction. Unfortunately, pain is not always an accurate indication of the need for tooth extraction. The best dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, will always try to save your natural teeth before undergoing tooth extractions. In this blog, we are answering, “Do I need a tooth extraction?” Give Park Boulevard Family Dentistry if you need an emergency dentist.

Broken Tooth Beyond Repair

Any time you visit your dentist for restorative dentistry, you’ll need to have a good tooth structure to ensure that additional problems don’t arise. If you have a broken tooth that is beyond repair, you may need a tooth extraction. Generally, you need to have a certain amount of tooth above the gum line for it to be restored. 

The same logic applies to a tooth that has suffered an extreme decay as a result of a wide cavity. When decay progresses through a tooth, it softens the enamel and underlying dentin, causing it to crumble away. Cavities, if left untreated, will spread over an entire tooth, leaving nothing but the roots. A tooth that is repairable would likely get repaired with a root canal and dental crown. Tooths that are extracted should be immediately replaced with a dental implant or denture. Ask your dentist for a consultation. 

Recurring Tooth Infections

A root canal cleans up the tooth infection within the tooth. They are needed when these tissues become infected or incapable of healing after an injury. When a tooth that has already received a root canal treatment becomes infected again, the long-term prognosis of further treatment deteriorates. The success rate declines with each subsequent treatment explains Dr. Kacos, an endodontist in Shreveport, LA. So, if your teeth have been through one or more root canals and it becomes infected again, you’ll need a tooth extraction.

Root Fracture 

Teeth fractures are becoming more common. The cause may be increased tension, which causes more people to clench and/or grit their teeth while sleeping. We see broken teeth on a regular basis, for some reason. The size of the crack (or how deep the crack extends into a tooth) decides the best treatment. To treat superficial cracks, a filling or dental crown can suffice. Those that cross the nerve within a tooth necessitate root canal therapy and the use of a crown. A tooth crack that stretches all the way to the root is the most serious.

A tooth root fracture gives a tooth a hopeless prognosis, which means there is no long-term recovery option. Since the fracture enables contamination of the internal structures of the tooth on a continuous basis, all therapies will ultimately fail. Usually a sign you need a tooth extraction.

Loose Teeth

Teeth are kept in place by ligaments and gum tissue that bind to the jawbones. Bacterial toxins in plaque and tartar accumulation kill the bond in advanced gum disease. This causes the teeth to become increasingly loose over time. It’s close to how the erosion around a tree’s roots causes the tree to fall over over time. In order for the teeth to be intact, the roots must be adequately attached to the bones.

Mild and moderate gum disease react well to care, helping you to hold your teeth for an extended period of time. Severe gum disease is a little more difficult to treat. The long-term prognosis is bad if the teeth are so loose that you can “wiggle” them with only tongue pressure. It is almost difficult to reestablish attachment on teeth that have become too loose. You should pull your teeth if they are this loose.

Severe Swelling

Infections in and around the teeth can put you at risk of serious swellings in some cases. When an infection spreads from a tooth to the underlying gum and bone, it may frequently cause swelling underneath the tongue. This endangers the airway. You could die if the tissue swells so much that the airway closes.

Removing the tooth that is the source of a dangerous infection, such as the one mentioned above, is the quickest way to recover. Root canal therapy can often save these teeth, but there is still a small chance of residual bacteria. You should easily cut the tooth and get rid of the infection as soon as possible.

Search for a Dentist Near Me

If you’re experiencing any of the above problems, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry in Pinellas Park, FL. Our team will work with you to provide solutions and restore your smile. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wade.

Signs You Need a Root Canal

signs you need a root canal - Pienllas Park Dentist

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a restorative dentistry treatment that has been used to treat infected or decayed. It can be challenging to determine whether you need a root canal, especially if you have several symptoms. Physical symptoms usually do not appear until the problem has progressed, which is why we recommend seeing your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, as soon as possible. Read the following to learn about the signs you need a root canal from Dr. Wade.

1. Tooth & Gum Discomfort

So, when should you get a root canal? One of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with your tooth is pain. Although tooth and gum pain does not always indicate the need for a root canal, most infected teeth do cause discomfort. Normal activities like brushing and chewing may cause unusual discomfort. 

2. Inflammation & Swelling

Root canal patients may experience dental swelling and inflammation in addition to pain. You may notice a slightly raised or tender spot along your gumline, as well as swelling throughout your face and neck. While swelling may resolve on its own or with over-the-counter medications, this does not address the underlying issue, says our friend Dr. O’Grady, an emergency dentist in Denver. Consult with your local Pinellas Park dentist to determine the source of the issue.

3. Sensitivity to Hot & Cold

There could be a variety of causes for dental hypersensitivity. Although some temperature sensitivity is normal, such as when eating an ice cream cone, extreme sensitivity indicates that something is wrong. Your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL can determine the source of your pain and whether you require root canal therapy.

4. Tooth Discoloration

 Discoloration, on the other hand, is a sign of tooth decay. Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for a root canal examination if a single tooth begins to darken, or a concerning dark spot appears on one of your teeth.

5. Tooth Abscess

Patients who have a badly infected tooth may develop a tooth abscess as a result of an infection. Swollen gums and discomfort are all symptoms of an abscess. It is critical to seek dental care as soon as possible because an untreated abscess can make it difficult to breathe or swallow. 

When Should You Get a Root Canal?

When these signs and symptoms are combined, they may indicate a serious infection or decay. Allow Dr. Wade to treat the area as soon as possible rather than waiting for the problem to worsen. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry understands that some patients are nervous or fearful of root canal therapy, which is why our team will do everything to make you feel comfortable. To complete treatment with precision and accuracy, we employ cutting-edge technology and techniques.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Root canal therapy can be a quick and painless way to treat an infected tooth. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry root canal treatment can relieve tooth and gum pain, sensitivity, and other symptoms. If you live in Grand Junction, CO, and need emergency dental care, give us a call today! 

Common Dental Emergencies

common dental emergencies Pinellas Park

Common Dental Emergencies in Pinellas, FL

Even if you’re adamant about brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing, you can still run into a dental emergency. Sometimes dental emergencies are out of our control, which is why it’s good to have an emergency dentist in Pinellas, FL, in your back pocket. So, how do you know if your situation calls for emergency dental care? Below, Dr. Wade explores some of the most common dental emergencies she encounters at her dental office.

Cracked or Broken Tooth 

There are several common reasons for a cracked or broken tooth, explains Dr. Wade. Most patients will call to tell us they were in the middle of eating something hard like ice, nuts, or candy, and they broke their teeth. 

This dental emergency usually happens to people who are older or have tooth decay. If you ever crack or break your tooth, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for an emergency dental appointment. In the meantime, you can try to put ice packs on your face if there’s any swelling or take over the counter painkillers.

Dental Trauma

Trauma is a common dental emergency that sometimes leads to dental failure. Accidents can contribute to severe dental injuries. Most of the dental traumas we see are due to a car accident or sports injury of some kind. If you ever find yourself in this kind of dental emergency, call our dental office in Pinellas Park, FL, immediately. We will help stop the bleeding and get you out of pain.

Extreme Tooth Pain

Toothaches are extremely uncomfortable for many. Dr. Hoang, an emergency dentist in Bethlehem, GA, says that many people compare tooth pain as one of the worst pains ever. Several factors contribute to severe toothache. A toothache is usually a big indicator that something is wrong. Signs will point to tooth infection, gum disease, or an abscessed tooth. If you’re experiencing extreme pain and discomfort, contact Dr. Wade. She will figure out the root of the cause and recommend any necessary treatment.

Lost Filling

A lost filling can become a dental emergency if it causes extreme pain or inflammation. Replacing a tooth filling is easy. If your filling falls out and it’s not causing you trouble, you can schedule an appointment. Otherwise, we will see you for emergency dental care.

Crown Fell Out

Temporary dental crowns can fall out if you’re not careful. Most patients will say that they were eating something hard when it fell out. Don’t sweat it though, if your crown comes out, just give Park Boulevard Family Dentistry a call! Dr. Wade will replace it immediately. 

Contact Your Emergency Dentist 

If there’s ever a time when you find yourself in a dental emergency, call Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. We offer emergency dental services and will do everything we can to get you out of pain and smiling again. Our dental office also offers a dental savings plan to help make dental services affordable. Questions? Contact us today!