What to Know About Gum Disease

what to know about gum disease

What To Know About Gum Disease in 2022

Unfortunately, Gum Disease impacts so many Americans. Usually, plaque accumulation is the cause of gum disease. This invisible sticky film of bacteria occurs spontaneously on the teeth and gums. Plaque comprises bacteria, which produce toxins that irritate and destroy the gums. Thus, it is critical to brush and floss every day. Additionally, you must visit your dentist on a regular basis. 

Below, our dentist in Pinellas Park FL shares the stages, and symptoms of gum disease, as well as how to prevent it from forming and worsening.

The Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is caused by the buildup of plaque on your teeth, which hardens into tartar. if not cleaned on a regular basis. Dr. Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL,  shares that this will infect the tissues and bones surrounding and supporting your teeth.  Gum disease is mostly caused by two factors: plaque and neglect.

The Progression of Gum Disease

Gum Disease is classified into two phases, the later of which is commonly referred to as mild or advanced.

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease. In its early stages, gingivitis manifests largely as bleeding gums. Our friend Dr. Kacos, the best dentist in Shreveport LA, explains that gingivitis can also impact your body. Gingivitis may often be remedied if diagnosed early by refocusing on and improving regular oral care routines.

Periodontitis is the second stage of periodontal disease, and it can be moderate or severe. Mild periodontitis is likewise characterized by bleeding gums, but also by increased inflammation and the early phases of those gums receding — pushing down or back from the teeth, resulting in the formation of “pockets.” Unlike advanced periodontitis, the symptoms of moderate periodontitis are still restricted to your gums. As long as this is the case and it is caught early enough, it may be reversed with good dental hygiene at home and by your Pinellas Park dentist.

Advanced periodontitis is a very other story. Periodontitis, in its most severe form, destroys both the gums and the bone structure in your jaw that supports your teeth. You will observe loosened teeth and even teeth coming out at this stage, in addition to bleeding and developing gum pockets. Tooth extraction may be necessary if bone tissue is not recovered during therapy.

The Symptoms of Gum Disease

There are various signs of gum disease in general, in addition to the stage-specific symptoms and presentations of periodontal disease discussed above. This constellation of symptoms implies an increased risk of gingivitis and periodontitis and should urge an early visit with a dentist near me. The following are some of the signs of gum disease:

  • Gums that are swollen, painful, and irritated
  • Gum bleeding when flossing and brushing
    Gums that are receding
  • Bad breath that persists
  • Chewing discomfort
  • Teeth that be loose and sensitive

Gum Disease Prevention

There are four basic methods to avoiding periodontal disease, which can lead to the loss of gum tissue, bone material, and teeth if left untreated:

  • First, brush your teeth, gums, and tongue at least twice a day.
  • Next, floss at least once a day. 
  • Also, after brushing and cleaning between your teeth, rinse your mouth and teeth with antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • Lastly, attend routine dental exams twice a year, as well as expert tooth cleanings once a year.

In conclusion, Gum Disease is preventable. Additionally, it can be manageable when treated promptly. If you have questions about Gum Disease, please contact our dentist in Pinellas Park today

Dental Tips For Kids

Dental Tips For Kids During the Holidays

The Christmas season may be hectic for both families and those nasty things known as the Sugarbugs. With kids out of school, a continual stream of celebrations and sugary foods, and a dash of holiday travel thrown in, it’s easy to lose track of your dental health regimen like last year’s Christmas presents. Today on the blog, Dr. Brianne Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL shares dental tips for kids.

At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, our dentist office in Pinellas Park FL wants to remind parents and caregivers that the holiday season is an excellent time for oral health education. As follows, we encourage you to use this time to assist young children adopt healthy dental habits. Follow these joyful holiday dental suggestions for kids to make the most of the holiday season and have a cause to grin brightly.

Teach That Teeth Are Not Tools

Your little one will undoubtedly be delighted to open all of their wonderful holiday gifts, but teeth are not tools for opening packages and bottles. As follows, gripping a box or bottle cap with your teeth can easily break them or cause even more serious damage. Our family dentist in Pinellas Park FL explains that this can tooth loss, requiring more comprehensive dental care. Assist your youngsters in removing the difficult pieces of the packing, and use caution while handling the scissors.

Don’t Go Crazy

Your children will most likely have visions of sugarplums dancing through their heads. Although you don’t have to entirely ruin the holiday festivities, our Pinellas Park FL dentist suggests that you keep an eye out for those sweet delicacies, particularly:

  • Candy canes—these treats can remain in the mouth for an extended period of time and, if chewed, can damage teeth.
  • Holiday cookies—cookies are high in sugar, and overindulging can lead to cavities.
  • Festive drinks—those glasses of eggnog and hot chocolate are made delectably sweet by a heaping spoonful of sugar. There’s also the obligatory whip cream and other goodies. Try to limit yourself to modest portions.

Traveling? Create a Fun-Family Travel Pack

Even if it’s simply a dental kit, children like having their own items. Allow them to choose their own toothbrush and mini-toothpaste for their time away from home. Additionally, make sure to incorporate floss to promote good oral health habits. Our friends at Park Hills Family Dentistry, Lexington KY Dentist, suggests that you even go shopping on your own and give this as an early Christmas “gift” to get them psyched.

Assist your Children in Sticking to Oral Health Schedule

Traveling may make it very easy to become lazy, if not completely forget, about normal dental habits. However, a few weeks of festive happiness without the correct routines might lead to difficulties down the line. Use the holiday season to encourage youngsters to continue healthy practices; try purchasing holiday-themed toothbrushes and floss to celebrate the season.

Come Join Us as We Celebrate 

 Because your child will most likely be out of school over the holidays, now is an excellent opportunity to arrange that cleaning and checkup.

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry wish you everyone a pleasant and safe holiday season! Don’t forget to stop by our office in Pinellas Park FL. 

Why Visit Your Pinellas Park Dentist

Why Visit Your Pinellas Park Dentist

Visting Your Dentist in Pinellas Park FL

Any month is an excellent time to receive a dental cleaning or go to your Dentist Pinellas Park Fl, but December is especially beneficial. If you’ve been putting off your final twice-yearly dental check-up, now is the time to schedule one. For many individuals, this time of year is stressful, but making an appointment before the New Year will help guarantee your smile is ready for 2022. 

Below, Dr. Brianne Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, shares why visit your Pinellas Park dentist this month. 

1. Cosmetic dentistry in Pinellas Park For the Holidays

If you’ve been putting off going to the dentist because you’re self-conscious about your smile, or if you’ve been intending to get cosmetic dental work done, December is the perfect time to do it at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. As follows your dentist is a skilled expert who works with a wide range of smiles. Thus, you should not put off receiving the therapy you require because you are anxious or unsure of what type of work you desire. As follows, speak with your dentist about his or her expertise treating patients in similar situations to yours. We will be open when comes to restoring your smile and completing any cosmetic dental treatment before the holidays, just in time for all of those festivities.

2. Schedule a second check-up and cleaning.

You should have had your first six-month checkup of the year in the spring or summer. Don’t forget about the second meeting! Because no two smiles are same, your dentist may advise you to come in more frequently, but for most individuals, twice-yearly is plenty. Your Pinellas Park dentist will look for indicators of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and TMJ difficulties during your visit. You’ll also receive a professional teeth cleaning to remove surface stains and make your smile shine brightly for the Christmas season.

3. Begin the New Year on the right foot

Is improving your dental health one of your New Year’s resolutions? Great! Maintain your commitment by visiting your dentist on a regular basis so that you can reach your objectives. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash on a regular basis can help you improve your dental health at home. When you go to the dentist in December, you’re helping to kick off the New Year right. Remember, nothing is more appealing than a healthy smile! Thus, make an appointment with a dentist near me before the end of the year.

4. Plan ahead and get the most of your yearly maximum dental benefit.

Seeing your dentist before the end of the year will help you. This will help you by not only take advantage of this year’s yearly maximum, but also prepare for next year’s oral health expenses. Our friends over at Bookcliff Family Dental, Grand Junction CO dentist, shares that the majority of dental benefits are based on a calendar year. Unused benefits DO NOT carry over, therefore leaving dental insurance benefits unused is a waste.

Come see us at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry! We’d love to see you before the year ends. Contact our team today. 

Dental Tips For Thanksgiving

thanksgiving dental tips

Keep Your Smile Healthy For Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just a few day away, you’re probably fantasizing about fluffy mashed potatoes and gravy. If you’re a sweet-tooth kind of person, you may be dreaming of delicious apple pie. Though our dentist in Pinellas Park FL encourages you to enjoy these foods, we do also urge our patients to prioritize their dental health. Today on the blog, our dentist Pinellas Park FL shares important dental tips for Thanksgiving. 

Brush Your Teeth Thoroughly 

What would Thanksgiving be without turkey? Turkey is a rich source of protein and is savory. It does, however, have drawbacks, just like any other meal. Because it might become lodged in your teeth, brush thoroughly after your Thanksgiving meal. Aside from that, we give turkey a thumbs up.

Avoid Sticky Foods

Don’t be afraid to put this classic dish on your plate because it’s loaded with veggies like green beans, onions, and mushrooms. However, one of our dental advice is to floss properly after eating sticky foods. Green bean casserole is no exception! It’s important to schedule a tooth cleaning in Pinellas Park after the holidays pass. 

Don’t Forget the Veggies

Thanksgiving is the one occasion where you can eat everything you want… but don’t overdo it. You should still include nutritious greens or other colorful veggies in your Thanksgiving meal. Dr. Brianne Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, encourages leafy green vegetables. As follows, this is because they include calcium, which helps to maintain strong teeth, but red and orange vegetables have vitamin C, which helps to maintain healthy gums.

Look Out For Acidic Foods

You may already be aware that acidic meals are bad for your enamel. One of our dental suggestions is to minimize your consumption as much as possible. Our neighbors over at 4th St Family Dentistry, St. Pete dentist, say that you can make it less harmful by eating acidic foods and drinking water at the same time.

Tooth Friendly Options

Importantly to note, wine and cranberry sauce are sticky and can stain your teeth. Wine and cranberry juice weaken your enamel and make it more susceptible to deterioration, so be cautious this Thanksgiving. Keep in mind that you should wait at least thirty minutes before cleaning your teeth.

Limit Your Sugar – Your Teeth Will Thank You

The beautiful thing about sweet treats over Thanksgiving is that they aren’t all that unhealthy for you. That is, if you eat foods high in vitamins A and C, such as pumpkin and sweet potato pie. In fact, vitamin A protects your gums and helps to harden your enamel.

The issue arises when massive amounts of sugar are involved. Candied yams with marshmallows or sweet pies with whipped cream aren’t good for your pearly whites, so consume in moderation and drink plenty of water!

Eat Vitamins For Healthy Teeth

We know—those mashed potatoes are amazing of this world, but be careful. While potatoes are an important source of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, its high starch content converts to sugar, making your mouth a breeding ground for cavities. Covering your mashed potatoes with gravy makes them even more unhealthy, but don’t skip this side dish totally.

Consume in moderation and be prepared to clean and floss your teeth after your Thanksgiving feast. The same criteria apply to divine macaroni and cheese. While cheese and milk include calcium, which helps to build your teeth, macaroni pasta, like potatoes, has a lot of carbohydrate.

Contact our Pinellas Park Dentist Today

Check out the rest of our blog for additional dental advice from our Pinellas Park dentist. As follows, contact us to make an appointment! Happy Thanksgiving!

Dental Tips for Halloween

dental tips for Halloween

The Best Dental Tips from Halloween 

Halloween is here! At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween this year. Our favorite part is seeing all the little ones dressed up in Halloween costumes! What’s your favorite part? Dr. Wade loves Halloween candy! Although Halloween candy isn’t the greatest for your teeth, it still can be enjoyed. You just need to know the best dental tips for Halloween. Below, your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, shares how you can have a healthy smile and eat Halloween candy this holiday!

The Best & Worst Candies for Good Oral Health

One of the best dental tips for Halloween that any dentist would give you is to know which candies can do you harm. Chocolate may be one of the best choices if you’re trying to keep from damaging your teeth. Dark chocolate is a healthier option. Dr. Wade recommends limiting the sticky sweets such as taffy and caramel. This is because it’s very hard to remove, especially inbetween your teeth. Pro Parent Tip: sort through your kids’ candy and get rid of anything that is harmful to their teeth! 

Be Strict On When You Eat Halloween Candy

They say moderation is key, but it can be pretty tricky to hold back on Halloween candy. One of our favorite dental tips for Halloween is making sure your child eats a healthy meal before they go out trick-or-treating. Not only will this ensure that your child is consuming nutrients, but it will also make them full enough not to eat the whole bag when they get home. Since Halloween candy can usually stick around for a month, you’ll want to set a rule with your kids. Eating too much candy will result in upset tummies and cavities! Our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, recommends giving your child the choice of choosing one candy per day. You can limit this to be a few times a week or every other week. However, if you do allow your child to eat candy, you should limit the consumption of sugary drinks as well.

Stay Extra Hydrated & Take Care of Yourself

Another one of our go-to dental tips for Halloween is incorporating more water throughout the day. Staying hydrated keeps your teeth and gums healthy. It also helps reduce bacteria and plaque buildup. Dr. Wade recommends drinking anywhere from eight to sixteen glasses of water a day. 

Stick to Your Oral Health Routine

Do not allow them to slack off on daily upkeep. Let your children brush and floss their teeth before bedtime, not after. If sugar is left on the teeth for an extended period of time, it has a greater chance of eating through the enamel’s protective layers and causing cavities. To keep their teeth healthy, it’s critical that children see their dentist on a regular basis. They will remain healthy as adults if they make it a habit to brush and floss their teeth regularly as children.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Our last tip is to make sure that everyone in your family is on track to two dental cleanings a year. If not, schedule your next visit today! Tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems can be avoided with preventative dentistry. We all know Halloween is an amazing Holiday. We hope that you and your family get to enjoy Halloween together. Don’t forget to use our Dental Tips for Halloween! Make an appointment for your family’s dental cleanings and exams by calling our offices today. 

How to Fix a Broken Tooth

how to fix a broken tooth - Pinellas Park FL

How to Fix A Broken Tooth at the Dentist

A broken tooth is not something that should go without treatment. Many patients break or crack their teeth when eating hard foods. You may also crack your tooth in an accident or simply because you have an untreated cavity. Luckily, modern dentistry solutions help the majority of dental problems. Additionally, there are dental services that provide emergency dental treatments to patients all around the world. You’re probably wondering how to fix a broken tooth? Your dentist will recommend the following options. If you have a broken or cracked tooth, contact your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, immediately.

Ways To Repair a Broken Tooth

When you visit our dental office for a broken tooth, Dr. Wade will first access your tooth. She will then recommend a few restorative dentistry options depending on your smile. Among the dental treatment options for fractured teeth are the following:

Dental Crowns

Crowns can be used to cover the entire affected area. They are an easy way to repair fractured teeth. Dental crowns are thicker than veneers and restore the form and look of the teeth. Furthermore, crowns are typically made of porcelain, metal, or ceramic. Some of the best dentists believe it is the most secure method of repairing or restoring decaying or fractured teeth.

Dental Veneers

The porcelain or composite resin material is what dental veneers are made of. Veneers are the most commonly used cosmetic and restorative approach for enhancing your smile. Also, if you are afraid to smile because of tooth loss, veneers are the best alternative. The dental procedure is designed to address both dental and aesthetic difficulties.

Dental Implant

If your tooth is beyond repair, your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. Dental implants will be used to replace your missing tooth. It is a lengthy operation used to repair fractured teeth, particularly those along the gum line. It is a straightforward procedure in which the dentist removes the fractured tooth and replaces it with an implant. The implant is then capped with a dental crown. Additionally, our friends Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson, Colorado Springs dentists, add that dental implants are not noticeable. They’re made to look and feel like your natural teeth.

Dental Bonding

Bonding is often used by dentists as the least invasive dental technique for repairing a damaged tooth. Dentists employ a simple composite material chip to repair and improve the appearance of the tooth. Furthermore, the composite molding is then hardened, and the tooth is fixed with a blue light.

Root Canal Therapy

Both fractured and cracked teeth might result in an infected pulp. Dentists recommend root canal therapy to heal fractured teeth in this case. To prevent the infection from spreading, they first remove the infection and then put a crown. This is the best way to ensure that no additional problems arise. 

Dental Filling

Fillings are among the most secure dental procedures used by dentists to repair fractured teeth. The restorative substance is used by the dentist to temporarily repair cracked or broken teeth. So, if your tooth has a cavity, a dental filling is the best treatment. It is both painless and cost-effective, says Dr. Wade.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants, which are ideal for filling tooth holes, prevent sick and broken teeth. Additionally, sealants act as a barrier against the microorganisms that cause cavities in your teeth. Your dentist will apply a dental sealant to the back of your molars and premolars.

Contact Emergency Dentist in Pinellas Park 

Overall, a cracked, broken, or chipped tooth might be considered a dental emergency. It is critical to see a dentist as soon as possible. Patients should not be afraid to contact their dentist if they detect a damaged tooth. This can assist them in determining the best dental treatment option for them. So, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for broken tooth repair in Pinellas Park 

Gum Care Month

gum care month - pinellas park fl

Celebrating Gum Care Month

September is National Gum Care Month! While good dental hygiene is essential all year, this monthly is a great time to bring more attention to oral health. Get your whole family involved to celebrate Gum Care Month! Below, your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, shares more about gum care.

What Exactly Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is caused by harmful bacteria that cause inflammation in gums and teeth. While gum disease progresses slowly, if unchecked, it can cause severe bone loss. So, the impacted teeth may eventually need to be removed. Poor oral hygiene leads to plaque, which is the main cause of gum disease. Dr. Wade adds that gum disease is easily one of the most common dental problems. Furthermore, it affects more than half of all adults over the age of 30.

Signs of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease. Some symptoms of gum disease can be treated at your local dentist office:

  • Red, swollen gums
  • Sensitive gums
  • Receding gum line
  • Bad breath 

When gingivitis is left untreated, plaque hardens into tartar, causing gum tissue to pull away from the teeth. This eventually leads to the formation of pockets that accumulate additional tartar and germs, resulting in the degradation of the bone and ligaments that keep the teeth in place. Additionally, periodontitis is the term used to describe this severe stage of gum disease.

Working to Keep Your Gums Healthy

It’s not difficult to keep your gums strong, pink, and healthy, but it does require developing good oral health habits at home. The primary goal should be to reduce the amount of dangerous oral bacteria. So, here are a few basic methods to get started:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. 
  • Tooth brushes should be replaced on a regular basis because ragged bristles do not clean as well (and old brushes can harbor bacteria).
  • Flossing at least once a day is essential. Flossing at work after lunch is a wonderful habit to cultivate if you are too exhausted to do it at night or if you are too rushed in the morning.
  • Bacteria in the mouth can be reduced by rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. Additionally, our friend, Dr. Ryan Helgerson, a dentist in Grand Junction, recommends using an ADA-approved alcohol-free mouth wash.
  • Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of conditions and drugs. To fight this condition, try sipping water throughout the day. Additionally, you can try chewing sugarless gum or sucking on sugarless lozenges.
  • Schedule routine dental cleanings and checkups as instructed by your dentist.
  • Tobacco usage raises the risk of gum disease and makes it more difficult for gum tissue to repair. Therefore, smokers and smokeless tobacco users should think about stopping.
  • Diabetics must be attentive in keeping their diabetes under control because excessive sugar levels increase the risk of gum disease.
  • Good nutrition and eating nutritious foods can help reduce the incidence of gum disease. Also, bacteria love sugar. So, make sure your company’s vending machines are supplied with plenty of water, milk, yogurt, apples, and other healthy options.

Contact Pinellas Park Dentist

Our team at Park Hills Boulevard Family Dentistry is happy to help you and your family achieve optimal oral health. As you can see, gum care is essential to happy and healthy teeth. So, contact our dental office today to schedule your next visit! We also offer our patients an incredible dental savings plan.  

Can You Reverse Gum Recession?

reverse gum recession - Pinellas Park FL

Is it Possible to Reverse Gum Recession?

Teeth looking a little longer than usual? Your gums may be receding. Gum recession can occur due to several factors, including cleaning your teeth too hard, grinding your teeth, neglecting your dental hygiene, failing to treat misaligned teeth, and having an unhealthy lifestyle. Receding gums can lead to an even bigger problem if you’re not too careful. If your gums are sore, you’re probably wondering how to fix this problem. But can you reverse gum recession? Continue reading to find out, or contact your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

Is It Normal for Gums to Recede?

When it comes to protecting your teeth, your gums perform two crucial responsibilities. For starters, your gums are what binds your teeth to the jawbones. It also protects your cheeks and interior gums. As your gums pull away from your teeth or wear out, it produces gaps that reveal and expose the tooth roots. In some cases, “pockets” form between the teeth and the gum line, and bacteria and food accumulate in these gaps. Gum recession raises your chances of acquiring tooth decay and, in the worst-case scenario, losing your teeth.

Is it Possible to Reverse Gum Recession?

So, is it possible to reverse gum recession? Receding gums, unfortunately, will not regrow on their own, explains Dr. Wade. When your gums recede, the lost tissue is gone for good. This is why you must maintain a healthy oral health practice, which includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting your Pinellas Park dentist on a regular basis. Concentrate on preventing gum recession rather than reversing it. Your gums may suffer irreparable damage if you neglect your oral health.

Treatment for Receding Gums

If your gums are receding substantially, your dentist or periodontist can discuss restorative dentistry treatment options with you. Gum recession can be treated using a variety of methods, including:

Tooth Scaling/Root Planing: 

If you have mild gum recession, your dentist or hygienist may do tooth scaling or root planing to deep clean the area. Plaque and tartar will be removed from the exposed area of the tooth as well as below the gum line. In addition, to discourage bacteria buildup, your dentist may carefully remove the gum line and smooth the exposed tooth root. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, adds root scaling is one of the most effective ways to treat gum recession. 

Open Flap Dental Treatment: 

If calculus has accumulated deeply in pockets caused by gum recession, your dentist or periodontist may choose to fold back the afflicted gum tissue in an “open flap” treatment. Then, during a deep cleaning process, dangerous microorganisms are removed. To prevent the formation of pockets in the future, the jaw bone may be modified. The gum tissue is then fixed in place, close against the tooth, in order to remove or reduce the pockets.


Has gum recession ruined your jaw bone? In this instance, your dentist or periodontist may recommend bone and gum tissue regeneration. First, your gum will be folded back to allow bacteria to be removed. The afflicted area will next be treated with a regenerative material (such as graft tissue or tissue-stimulating protein) to assist your body to spontaneously rebuild bone and tissue. The gum tissue will next be fastened against the teeth.

Gum Tissue Graft: 

During this surgical operation, your dentist or periodontist will remove gum tissue from one area of your mouth (such as the top) and transfer it to cover the exposed tooth roots. Before the new tissue is attached, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to remove bacteria and dirt. There are various types of gum graft operations available; your dentist or periodontist will be able to recommend the best one for you.

So, if you try any of these treatments, keep in mind that you have not solved the problem permanently. Did your gums recede as a result of brushing too hard, using a hard-bristled toothbrush, or ignoring your oral health? Was it crooked teeth or a smoking habit that caused the problem? Whatever the cause, you’ll need to address the underlying problem to keep your gums from receding again.

How to Prevent Further Damage

While it is upsetting that gum recession cannot be reversed, it is reassuring to know that you can prevent more harm. So, if your dentist mentions that your gums are receding, don’t waste any more time. Instead, concentrate on how you can protect and maintain the health of your gums. You don’t need to do anything unusual; simply follow these straightforward guidelines:

  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush twice a day. Don’t do it too hard.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for dental cleanings
  • Address concerns such as tooth grinding and tooth misalignment.
  • Tobacco and smoking should be avoided.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet.

So, now that you know you can’t reverse gum recession, you can take the right steps to get back on track. Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry in Pinellas Park, FL, for information on our dental services.

Dentures FAQ

dentures faq - pinellas park fl

Denture FAQ: From Dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

I’m Interested In Dentures. Where Do I Start?

If you have some or all missing teeth, visit your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. They will be the best person to discuss any of your oral health needs with. Dr. Wade and her team will be happy to access your smile for a denture consultation. During this time, you will find out if dentures are the right restorative dentistry option for you. You can also ask any questions you have or continue reading our Denture FAQ.

What Types of Dentures Are Available?

Dentures are a solution to replace all teeth or some teeth. Complete dentures are dentures that replace all of the teeth. Attaching these dentures to dental implants improves their stability and retention. Partial dentures are dentures that replace some but not all of the teeth. They are attached to the remaining teeth and also cover and rest on the gums and bone where the teeth are gone. Partial dentures can also be restored and stabilized by dental implants.

How Do I Take Care Of My Dentures?

Whitening: Because dentures are constructed of plastic, they cannot be whitened like natural teeth. To reduce discoloration, Dr. Wade urges patients to clean their dentures on a daily basis. Brushing your dentures with a denture brush or a soft toothbrush can keep them from becoming permanently discolored and will keep your mouth healthy. Brush on every surface. Pro tip: Do not use regular toothpaste. This is extremely harmful to your dentures. There are several denture cleaner products available at your local stores. You can soak them in a water-based cleaning solution overnight. 

What Happens If My Denture Breaks?

The best approach is to go back to your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. You’ll want to get your dentures fixed right away. Otherwise, it can be difficult to eat or talk. Dr. Wade may also have to adjust your dentures after they’ve been fixed. 

Can I Sleep While Wearing Dentures?

Yes, you can wear your dentures at night. However, it is recommended that you remove them. You should take your dentures out at night to allow your gums and bone to rest from the strain of the denture during the day. If you must wear dentures for social reasons or to keep your jaws from shutting too tightly, you should make time during the day to properly clean your mouth and dentures. Avoid wearing your dentures 24 hours a day unless you practice good dental care. It never hurts to ask your local dentist what they recommend.

What Can and Can’t I Eat With Dentures?

Most patients must learn how to properly utilize dentures, and as a result, it takes some time to get acclimated to them. You should be able to eat normally after a while, but it may take a little longer to get used to harder or stickier meals. Using a small quantity of denture glue may assist in holding the dentures in place. You can continue eating normally for the most part. We recommend staying away from extremely sticky foods. 

Chewing gum: No matter whatever kind of chewing gum you try, dentures and chewing gum do not usually go well together. Our friend Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, explains that the gum often adheres to the acrylic part of the denture. Gum may break a seal on the dentures, causing them to loosen. Gum may become attached to the denture and harden and discolor over time.

Are Dentures Painful?

It is typical to suffer slight soreness when you initially get your new dentures. However, this will subside once your mouth adapts to them. The duration of the pain varies. It may take longer if you previously wore dentures and now have a new set. Similarly, if you had any natural teeth present that were extracted during the process of getting new dentures, the locations where the extractions were performed may be painful or uncomfortable for several weeks after the teeth were gone. It is essential that you see your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, on a regular basis to adjust your dentures as you heal.

If you have any further questions not covered in this denture FAQ, please contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry.

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth


How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth? Ouch! If you’re experiencing any discomfort, contact an emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. Dr. Wade will be happy to see you for a broken tooth repair. So, are you curious about how to fix a chipped tooth? Continue reading below to learn more. 

First Things First

Chipped teeth happen all the time, especially in children. If you or your child has a chipped tooth, you might not be able to visit your dentist right away. Don’t panic. Just follow these at-home remedies to get rid of swelling and pain. 

  • Attempting over-the-counter (OTC) Pain Relievers
  • Rinsing with saltwater
  • Using a cold ice pack

Note: So, if the chipped tooth was caused by a very stressful incident that resulted in considerable pain and bleeding, go to the nearest emergency facility right away.


Dental bonding is the most likely repair method recommended by your dentist. This composite material helps fix the simplest chips or cracks in teeth. The restorative dentistry treatment is also very affordable. Additionally, Dr. Wade believes bonding is an excellent choice, and here’s why:

  • Fast & easy
  • Effective
  • Durable
  • Affordable
  • Natural

Dental Veneers 

Veneers may be a better alternative if the chip is a little larger. While bonding is used to replace tiny chips, veneers are porcelain covers that are placed on the front of the tooth. They have a very smooth and natural appearance. Veneers are fairly cheap if only one tooth is chipped, but multiple might be costly. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, recommends dental bonding for a minimal crack. Of course, everyone’s situation is different. Ask your dentist for a consultation.

Dental Crown

Dental veneers and dental crowns are similar because they’re made of porcelain. A crown encompasses the entire tooth, whereas veneers cover the front of a chipped tooth. Crowns are an effective treatment when the chip is large, and much of the tooth is lost. Crowns are also available in a variety of styles, but Dr. Wade will likely choose a crown that blends in with your smile. Furthermore, dental crowns are a great restorative treatment because they protect the damaged tooth and restore original function. 

Dental Implants

Usually, a dental implant will not be used to fix a chipped tooth. However, if you experience serious breaks in your tooth, you may need one. If the tooth is not salvageable, Dr. Wade would need to extract the tooth and replace it with an implant. Once healed, a permanent metal post would be implanted into your gum line. Dental implants look and feel natural. They are a permanent solution to missing teeth. Ask your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, if dental implants are needed. a

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Not all tooth chips are the same, just like no two snowflakes or fingerprints. So, before you decide on the best solution for you and your oral health, your dentist must examine it thoroughly. Additionally, maintaining regular oral care, regardless of the route you take, will only keep your repaired tooth happy and healthy. Chipped teeth can be hard to avoid since you never know when they’ll happen. Give us a call if you’re experiencing a dental emergency.