Can You Reverse Gum Recession?

reverse gum recession - Pinellas Park FL

Is it Possible to Reverse Gum Recession?

Teeth looking a little longer than usual? Your gums may be receding. Gum recession can occur due to several factors, including cleaning your teeth too hard, grinding your teeth, neglecting your dental hygiene, failing to treat misaligned teeth, and having an unhealthy lifestyle. Receding gums can lead to an even bigger problem if you’re not too careful. If your gums are sore, you’re probably wondering how to fix this problem. But can you reverse gum recession? Continue reading to find out, or contact your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

Is It Normal for Gums to Recede?

When it comes to protecting your teeth, your gums perform two crucial responsibilities. For starters, your gums are what binds your teeth to the jawbones. It also protects your cheeks and interior gums. As your gums pull away from your teeth or wear out, it produces gaps that reveal and expose the tooth roots. In some cases, “pockets” form between the teeth and the gum line, and bacteria and food accumulate in these gaps. Gum recession raises your chances of acquiring tooth decay and, in the worst-case scenario, losing your teeth.

Is it Possible to Reverse Gum Recession?

So, is it possible to reverse gum recession? Receding gums, unfortunately, will not regrow on their own, explains Dr. Wade. When your gums recede, the lost tissue is gone for good. This is why you must maintain a healthy oral health practice, which includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting your Pinellas Park dentist on a regular basis. Concentrate on preventing gum recession rather than reversing it. Your gums may suffer irreparable damage if you neglect your oral health.

Treatment for Receding Gums

If your gums are receding substantially, your dentist or periodontist can discuss restorative dentistry treatment options with you. Gum recession can be treated using a variety of methods, including:

Tooth Scaling/Root Planing: 

If you have mild gum recession, your dentist or hygienist may do tooth scaling or root planing to deep clean the area. Plaque and tartar will be removed from the exposed area of the tooth as well as below the gum line. In addition, to discourage bacteria buildup, your dentist may carefully remove the gum line and smooth the exposed tooth root. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, adds root scaling is one of the most effective ways to treat gum recession. 

Open Flap Dental Treatment: 

If calculus has accumulated deeply in pockets caused by gum recession, your dentist or periodontist may choose to fold back the afflicted gum tissue in an “open flap” treatment. Then, during a deep cleaning process, dangerous microorganisms are removed. To prevent the formation of pockets in the future, the jaw bone may be modified. The gum tissue is then fixed in place, close against the tooth, in order to remove or reduce the pockets.


Has gum recession ruined your jaw bone? In this instance, your dentist or periodontist may recommend bone and gum tissue regeneration. First, your gum will be folded back to allow bacteria to be removed. The afflicted area will next be treated with a regenerative material (such as graft tissue or tissue-stimulating protein) to assist your body to spontaneously rebuild bone and tissue. The gum tissue will next be fastened against the teeth.

Gum Tissue Graft: 

During this surgical operation, your dentist or periodontist will remove gum tissue from one area of your mouth (such as the top) and transfer it to cover the exposed tooth roots. Before the new tissue is attached, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to remove bacteria and dirt. There are various types of gum graft operations available; your dentist or periodontist will be able to recommend the best one for you.

So, if you try any of these treatments, keep in mind that you have not solved the problem permanently. Did your gums recede as a result of brushing too hard, using a hard-bristled toothbrush, or ignoring your oral health? Was it crooked teeth or a smoking habit that caused the problem? Whatever the cause, you’ll need to address the underlying problem to keep your gums from receding again.

How to Prevent Further Damage

While it is upsetting that gum recession cannot be reversed, it is reassuring to know that you can prevent more harm. So, if your dentist mentions that your gums are receding, don’t waste any more time. Instead, concentrate on how you can protect and maintain the health of your gums. You don’t need to do anything unusual; simply follow these straightforward guidelines:

  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush twice a day. Don’t do it too hard.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for dental cleanings
  • Address concerns such as tooth grinding and tooth misalignment.
  • Tobacco and smoking should be avoided.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet.

So, now that you know you can’t reverse gum recession, you can take the right steps to get back on track. Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry in Pinellas Park, FL, for information on our dental services.

Dentures FAQ

dentures faq - pinellas park fl

Denture FAQ: From Dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

I’m Interested In Dentures. Where Do I Start?

If you have some or all missing teeth, visit your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. They will be the best person to discuss any of your oral health needs with. Dr. Wade and her team will be happy to access your smile for a denture consultation. During this time, you will find out if dentures are the right restorative dentistry option for you. You can also ask any questions you have or continue reading our Denture FAQ.

What Types of Dentures Are Available?

Dentures are a solution to replace all teeth or some teeth. Complete dentures are dentures that replace all of the teeth. Attaching these dentures to dental implants improves their stability and retention. Partial dentures are dentures that replace some but not all of the teeth. They are attached to the remaining teeth and also cover and rest on the gums and bone where the teeth are gone. Partial dentures can also be restored and stabilized by dental implants.

How Do I Take Care Of My Dentures?

Whitening: Because dentures are constructed of plastic, they cannot be whitened like natural teeth. To reduce discoloration, Dr. Wade urges patients to clean their dentures on a daily basis. Brushing your dentures with a denture brush or a soft toothbrush can keep them from becoming permanently discolored and will keep your mouth healthy. Brush on every surface. Pro tip: Do not use regular toothpaste. This is extremely harmful to your dentures. There are several denture cleaner products available at your local stores. You can soak them in a water-based cleaning solution overnight. 

What Happens If My Denture Breaks?

The best approach is to go back to your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. You’ll want to get your dentures fixed right away. Otherwise, it can be difficult to eat or talk. Dr. Wade may also have to adjust your dentures after they’ve been fixed. 

Can I Sleep While Wearing Dentures?

Yes, you can wear your dentures at night. However, it is recommended that you remove them. You should take your dentures out at night to allow your gums and bone to rest from the strain of the denture during the day. If you must wear dentures for social reasons or to keep your jaws from shutting too tightly, you should make time during the day to properly clean your mouth and dentures. Avoid wearing your dentures 24 hours a day unless you practice good dental care. It never hurts to ask your local dentist what they recommend.

What Can and Can’t I Eat With Dentures?

Most patients must learn how to properly utilize dentures, and as a result, it takes some time to get acclimated to them. You should be able to eat normally after a while, but it may take a little longer to get used to harder or stickier meals. Using a small quantity of denture glue may assist in holding the dentures in place. You can continue eating normally for the most part. We recommend staying away from extremely sticky foods. 

Chewing gum: No matter whatever kind of chewing gum you try, dentures and chewing gum do not usually go well together. Our friend Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, explains that the gum often adheres to the acrylic part of the denture. Gum may break a seal on the dentures, causing them to loosen. Gum may become attached to the denture and harden and discolor over time.

Are Dentures Painful?

It is typical to suffer slight soreness when you initially get your new dentures. However, this will subside once your mouth adapts to them. The duration of the pain varies. It may take longer if you previously wore dentures and now have a new set. Similarly, if you had any natural teeth present that were extracted during the process of getting new dentures, the locations where the extractions were performed may be painful or uncomfortable for several weeks after the teeth were gone. It is essential that you see your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, on a regular basis to adjust your dentures as you heal.

If you have any further questions not covered in this denture FAQ, please contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry.

How to Stop Tooth Pain

stop tooth pain - pinellas park Fl

Tips for How to Stop Tooth Pain

A toothache can come out of nowhere and cause some severe discomfort. You’ll want to know how to minimize tooth pain until you see the best dentist in Pinellas Park, FL. Pain is a sign that something is wrong. So, be sure to see a dental professional for emergency dentistry. Read the article below, where Dr. Wade shares a few tips on how to stop tooth pain. 

Pain Relievers 

Taking some pain relievers is an obvious solution for tooth pain. If Dr. Wade hasn’t already prescribed medicine for your discomfort, you can always try over-the-counter medication. Please follow the recommended dosage for 24 hours. If your tooth pain is getting worse, be sure to contact your emergency dentist in Pinellas Park, FL.

Analgesic Cream

While this is only a short-term solution, Orajel or another analgesic gel can numb the gums around your impacted tooth. This will temporarily reduce the pain and let you sleep until you can see your dentist. Please keep in mind that this is not a long-term solution. 

Warm, Saltwater

One of our oldest tricks in the book is using warm saltwater. Our friend Dr. O’Grady, a dentist in Denver, CO, says that this technique may not immediately relieve your tooth pain, but it will help rinse your mouth of bacteria that may be causing your pain in the first place. Simply rinse your mouth and the afflicted tooth for a few seconds before spitting it out.

Ice-cold Compresses

You may be surprised to hear that an ice-cold compress could stop tooth pain. Icing your cheek, the outside of the afflicted tooth, or applying a cold compress to the area will numb it and, more importantly, lessen the swelling that is causing the discomfort. Make sure to only ice for up to twenty minutes.

Permanent Tea

Just about any tea can help soothe a hurting tooth, but peppermint tea includes properties that can also help numb the affected area. Make sure that if you use this remedy to stop tooth pain that the tea is not too hot. Your tooth is already sensitive enough. 

Clove Oil

Many people swear by clove oil as a natural painkiller for toothaches. Too much oil, on the other hand, can numb a large portion of your mouth. According to specialists, a couple of drops on a cotton ball placed only on your impacted tooth can help minimize the discomfort and swelling.

Contact Dentist in Pinellas Park, FL

There are several ways you can stop tooth pain. However, the best solution is searching for an emergency dentist near me. If you’re in any pain, please contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry today! Our team will help you get out of pain and back to smiling in no time!

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction

do I need a tooth extraction - pinellas park fl

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

Many people believe that if a tooth hurts, they need a tooth extraction. Unfortunately, pain is not always an accurate indication of the need for tooth extraction. The best dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, will always try to save your natural teeth before undergoing tooth extractions. In this blog, we are answering, “Do I need a tooth extraction?” Give Park Boulevard Family Dentistry if you need an emergency dentist.

Broken Tooth Beyond Repair

Any time you visit your dentist for restorative dentistry, you’ll need to have a good tooth structure to ensure that additional problems don’t arise. If you have a broken tooth that is beyond repair, you may need a tooth extraction. Generally, you need to have a certain amount of tooth above the gum line for it to be restored. 

The same logic applies to a tooth that has suffered an extreme decay as a result of a wide cavity. When decay progresses through a tooth, it softens the enamel and underlying dentin, causing it to crumble away. Cavities, if left untreated, will spread over an entire tooth, leaving nothing but the roots. A tooth that is repairable would likely get repaired with a root canal and dental crown. Tooths that are extracted should be immediately replaced with a dental implant or denture. Ask your dentist for a consultation. 

Recurring Tooth Infections

A root canal cleans up the tooth infection within the tooth. They are needed when these tissues become infected or incapable of healing after an injury. When a tooth that has already received a root canal treatment becomes infected again, the long-term prognosis of further treatment deteriorates. The success rate declines with each subsequent treatment explains Dr. Kacos, an endodontist in Shreveport, LA. So, if your teeth have been through one or more root canals and it becomes infected again, you’ll need a tooth extraction.

Root Fracture 

Teeth fractures are becoming more common. The cause may be increased tension, which causes more people to clench and/or grit their teeth while sleeping. We see broken teeth on a regular basis, for some reason. The size of the crack (or how deep the crack extends into a tooth) decides the best treatment. To treat superficial cracks, a filling or dental crown can suffice. Those that cross the nerve within a tooth necessitate root canal therapy and the use of a crown. A tooth crack that stretches all the way to the root is the most serious.

A tooth root fracture gives a tooth a hopeless prognosis, which means there is no long-term recovery option. Since the fracture enables contamination of the internal structures of the tooth on a continuous basis, all therapies will ultimately fail. Usually a sign you need a tooth extraction.

Loose Teeth

Teeth are kept in place by ligaments and gum tissue that bind to the jawbones. Bacterial toxins in plaque and tartar accumulation kill the bond in advanced gum disease. This causes the teeth to become increasingly loose over time. It’s close to how the erosion around a tree’s roots causes the tree to fall over over time. In order for the teeth to be intact, the roots must be adequately attached to the bones.

Mild and moderate gum disease react well to care, helping you to hold your teeth for an extended period of time. Severe gum disease is a little more difficult to treat. The long-term prognosis is bad if the teeth are so loose that you can “wiggle” them with only tongue pressure. It is almost difficult to reestablish attachment on teeth that have become too loose. You should pull your teeth if they are this loose.

Severe Swelling

Infections in and around the teeth can put you at risk of serious swellings in some cases. When an infection spreads from a tooth to the underlying gum and bone, it may frequently cause swelling underneath the tongue. This endangers the airway. You could die if the tissue swells so much that the airway closes.

Removing the tooth that is the source of a dangerous infection, such as the one mentioned above, is the quickest way to recover. Root canal therapy can often save these teeth, but there is still a small chance of residual bacteria. You should easily cut the tooth and get rid of the infection as soon as possible.

Search for a Dentist Near Me

If you’re experiencing any of the above problems, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry in Pinellas Park, FL. Our team will work with you to provide solutions and restore your smile. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wade.

About Zoom Teeth Whitening

zoom teeth whitening - Pinellas Park FL

About Zoom Teeth Whitening

At Park Bouldevard Family Dentistry, we use Zoom Teeth Whitening to give patients a brighter and more confident smile. Zoom is commonly used throughout the United States. Smiles tend to fade, especially if you drink coffee, tea on a regular basis. The aging process may also cause your teeth to stain and darken. The Zoom in-office tooth whitening treatments have about 25% of hydrogen peroxide, which helps speed up the teeth whitening process. In today’s blog, your favorite dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, Dr. Wade, talks about Zoom Teeth Whitening.

Treatment Planning and Consultation

Before determining if Zoom Teeth Whitening is the best cosmetic dentistry treatment for you, Dr. Wade will need to see you for a consultation. It’s standard practice for most dentists to review their teeth and gums. This will ensure that the treatment will be effective with your smile. We’ll also be able to see if your smile goals are achievable with Zoom. Whitening may not be the best choice depending on the appearance of your smile.

The Zoom Method

One of the best parts of getting professional teeth whitening is that the results are instant. The entire process takes less than an hour, but prior to the Zoom teeth whitening session, a professional teeth cleaning is recommended. The procedure starts with a brief preparation in which the lips and gums are covered, leaving the teeth visible. The whitening gel is then applied by our team, which acts in tandem with the Zoom light. This is used to penetrate the teeth and break up stains. While the light is turned on, the gel stays in place for 15 minutes. During your treatment, we encourage patients to relax, watch Netflix, or listen to music during this period.

For a total treatment period of 45 minutes, the gel is applied for three 15-minute sessions of light activation. Individuals who have a powerful gag reflex or have dental anxiety can make the teeth whitening process difficult. 

After Professional Teeth Whitening

After your visit to Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, you will be sent a Zoom at-home touch-up kit with custom-fitted whitening trays. Where and how to use this touch-up kit, follow Dr. Wade’s instructions.

To help preserve the whitening effects of your procedure, your dentist Pinellas Park is likely to encourage you to avoid certain foods and beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, and tobacco. It’s okay to have this in moderation. 

One of the most effective ways to keep your smile bright is maintaining a good oral health regimen, says our friend Dr. Ryan Helgerson, a dentist in Grand Junction. There are toothpastes with whitening agents. Ask Dr. Wade what she recommends. 

Some Considerations

The Zoom light emits very little heat, which can cause sensitivity during treatment. Minor tingling is still felt immediately after the cosmetic treatment, but it will likely go away. To reduce sensitivity, ask Dr. Wade for an anti-sensitivity toothpaste prior to treatment.

Zoom, like other whitening items, is not approved for children under the age of 13, as well as pregnant or lactating mothers. Also, keep in mind that whitening treatments might not be as successful for some people as they are for others. If you have any questions regarding your Zoom Teeth Whitening, contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry.

Reasons Why a Tooth Extraction is Necessary

why a tooth extraction Pinellas Park FL

Reasons Why a Tooth Extraction is Necessary

Permanent teeth are designed to last a lifetime. However, tooth extraction may be recommended by Dr. Wade, your Pinellas Park, FL dentist. Although we’d love to preserve your natural teeth, it’s not always the best option for you. In this article, we discuss reasons why a tooth extraction is necessary

Severe Tooth Decay

A common reason why a tooth extraction is necessary is due to severe tooth decay. This can be detrimental to your oral health. As tooth decay worsens, it attacks the middle of the tooth’s pulp. Decay-produced bacteria can invade the pulp and cause a tooth infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread throughout the body. Tooth decay not only affects your overall health but also affects the aesthetic and functionality of your smile. 

At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, Dr. Wade will examine your affected teeth and recommend the best dental solution. Whether it’s root canal or tooth extraction, we’ll get you out of pain as soon as possible. 

Treating Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, affects millions of Americans each year. There are several stages of gum disease. It starts with gingivitis, then slight periodontal disease, moderate periodontal disease, and advanced periodontal disease. 

In the advanced periodontal disease stage, patients experience permanent bone and tooth loss, receding gums, and more. At this point, your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, will recommend a tooth extraction. Fortunately, the early stages of periodontal disease are treatable by your dentist. Incorporating good oral health habits into your daily routine is crucial to preventing periodontal disease. Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist in Grand Junction, CO, agrees that brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing daily is the least you can do. Incorporate good nutritious habits into your diet, and don’t forget to visit your dentist at least twice a year!

Impacted Tooth

Most of the time, wisdom teeth are required to be extracted. When your mouth doesn’t have enough room to house the teeth, it becomes impacted. Without a tooth extraction, your teeth may shift, and you’ll likely have tooth pain. Your dentist may recommend removal if it’s likely that your impacted teeth will damage your other smile. In most cases, patients will only get their wisdom teeth removed when they start to feel pain from the impacted tooth.

Visit our dental office in Pinellas Park, FL, for a consultation! We will take x-rays and provide you with a custom treatment plan. From there, you can decide whether or not a tooth extraction is necessary. 

Overcrowding Teeth

If you’d like to start orthodontic treatment but have overcrowded teeth, Dr. Wade will likely recommend a tooth extraction. With overcrowded teeth, there is no extra space where your teeth can move and re-align. Therefore, they’ll need to be extracted if you want a perfect smile. 

Post Accident

If an accident occurs, such as a car crash, you’ll need to visit Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for an evaluation. We’ll assess your broken tooth and determine whether or not it’s worth saving. We have plenty of restorative dentistry options to choose from, such as dental bonding, dental crowns, dental bridges, and lumineers. No matter what, we’ll make sure to get your tooth looking as good as new. 

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry, we will work with you to provide the best dental care possible. Whether a tooth extraction is necessary or you need restorative dental care, you can count on us. Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry for a tooth extraction consultation today!


Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Questions to ask dentist

Smart Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Have you scheduled a dental appointment anytime in the future? Sit back, relax and get ready to open your mouth so your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL can give you an examine. Taking your smile to the next stage requires more than just a regular check-up and cleaning. As follows, for genuinely visible improvements, you’ll need to start by having an in-depth conversation with your dentist. Our Pinellas Park FL team recommends asking these smart questions to ask your dentist.

What More Could I Do To Optimize My Dental Health?

You’d be shocked by the knowledge that your dentist can glean by looking into your mouth. Damaged enamel, for example, can indicate an excessively acidic diet. Gingivitis and tartar can suggest lack of oral hygiene, like brushing or flossing. Even your breath may speak volumes. For example, a bad smell may indicate rot, dry mouth, or an underlying health condition. Whatever your Pinellas Park Dentist learns, let him or her spell it out, along with helpful tips and advice. Walking away with an attack plan for your diet, hygiene and other activities will help you prevent potential dental problems.

What Dental Products Would You Recommend?

Much like your dentist can monitor you against bad behaviors, he or she can also help ensure that you use the best dental products.  Dr. Green, Parker CO dentist, makes sure to recommend top-quality products to his patients. He says he suggests the most powerful toothbrush and paste to the best flosser and mouth rinse. At Pinellas Park, we agree. Sometimes, we will give patients a sample to try at home, so you can see if you like it before you get some cash out. In fact, your dentist can prescribe prescriptive dental products instead.

What Dental Treatments Could I Use?

You may have been curious about brochures in the waiting room. However, chances are there are a lot of therapies you don’t even know that can actually enhance the appearance and function of your teeth and gums. The only way to find out which one makes sense for you is to ask your dentist! Even if you’re content with the smile that you have, it never hurts to learn what’s possible—especially in the case of procedures that are covered (or partially covered) by your insurance.

What’s New in the Dentistry World?

New research, products and procedures that transform dental care may benefit your mouth (and wallet). Asking your dentist to share the latest news not only can give you a sense of how involved he or she is in learning new approaches and technology, but may also reveal new care opportunities that you might not have considered. In addition to exploring innovations in in-office treatment, get your dentist’s insight on at-home preventive care strategies and patterns. From oil pulling to DIY remedies, he or she can check their efficacy and clear up any questions or concerns.

Top-Rated Dentistry in Pinellas Park

Engaging your dentist in conversation is an easy way to relax during your appointment, while at the same time offering an opportunity to discuss smart questions to ask your dentist. To ensure that your conversation is as fruitful as possible, try to work out some time to do some research and take note of any important questions in preparation for your visit. Contact our family dentistry today to schedule your appointment.

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist?

how often should I visit the dentist

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist? 

Most of us know how important it is to go to the dentist. Many patients ask, “How often should I visit the dentist?” A good rule of thumb is about every six months. Unless dental problems arise, it’s okay to only see your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, twice a year. To help better understand the importance of preventive dentistry, Dr. Wade explains why you should visit the dentist this often.

Why Dental Exams & Check-Ups Are Necessary

For starters, regular dental exams are a crucial part of maintaining good oral health. When you visit our dental office in Pinellas Park, FL, our team will thoroughly clean and examine your teeth. This helps us determine if your oral health is on track. 

Prevent Dental Problems

Trips to the dentist 50 years ago were intended to remedy any issues that had already developed. Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, agrees that preventative dentistry is more crucial than ever. He explains that it’s much easier to prevent a problem than to fix it. We know more about dentistry today than we ever have before, so patients should take advantage of their dental insurance if they want to save time and the hassle of dental problems.

Professional Dental Cleaning

Many dental problems can be minimized with a good dental cleaning. Not only can they remove stains, but they also reduce plaque build-up. Our friends at Digital Doc, a dental technology company, explain that hygienists are able to clean areas you wouldn’t normally be able to get yourself. Accumulation of plaque build-up and tooth decay will lead to gum disease. This needs to be removed using special equipment by a dentist.


If you have kids, it is important for them to see their family dentist just as often. Starting good oral health habits at a young age helps them to realize the value of good dental hygiene. Dr. Wade recommends seeing a professional within six months of their first tooth emerges. This also allows your child and your dentist to build rapport. The sooner they start making oral health a priority, the better!

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Now that we’ve answered, “How often should I visit the dentist?” you can decide what the next steps are. If you haven’t made an appointment at our Park Boulevard dental office, contact us today! Our team is happily accepting new patients.