Finding The Best Dentist In Pinellas Park FL

Finding The Best Dentist In Pinellas Park FL

Finding The Right Dentist For You In Pinellas Park FL

If you’re looking for a dentist in Pinellas Park FL, you want to make sure you choose the best one for you. Choosing the right dentist is important because it affects your overall dental health. It’s essential that you select a professional who has the knowledge and experience to provide the best care possible. But how do you choose? Let’s take a look at some of the factors to consider when selecting a dentist.

Educational Background and Experience

It’s important to check out your potential dentist’s educational background and experience. When researching dentists, make sure they have an accredited degree from an accredited dental school. This can usually be verified by checking with local dental societies or through online resources such as the American Dental Association website. Additionally, check to see if the dentist is board certified by any national or state-level organizations like the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery or The American Board of Periodontics. These certifications demonstrate that they have taken additional courses beyond their academic studies and are highly qualified in their field.

Financial Options

When selecting a Pinellas park dentist, it’s also important to consider their financial options and whether or not they offer payment plans or accept insurance coverage from certain providers. Many dentists offer payment plans that allow patients to pay over time rather than upfront in one lump sum, which can be beneficial for many people who may not have access to large sums of money all at once. Additionally, it is important that your insurance will cover at least some of your treatment costs so you don’t end up paying out of pocket for expensive treatments like root canals or crowns. Make sure to research ahead of time what types of coverage your dental plan offers before selecting a dentist so that you know what type of treatment will be covered and what won’t be covered under your plan.

Personality Fit

Finally, it’s also important to consider whether or not there is a personality fit between yourself and your potential dentist(s). You need someone who is friendly, easy to talk with, and willing to listen carefully so they can provide the best possible care for your needs. It’s also helpful if they are able to explain procedures clearly so that you understand exactly what is going on during each appointment and why certain treatments might be necessary for optimal oral health. A good relationship with your doctor often leads to better patient satisfaction overall because you feel more comfortable communicating openly about any concerns or questions about treatment options available for you as well as making sure all questions are answered prior to any procedure being done onsite.

Contact Us Today!

Choosing the right dentist in Pinellas Park FL takes time and research but can save time, money, and stress down the road when it comes time for treatments such as cleanings, fillings, crowns, implants, extractions etc… Be sure to evaluate all aspects before committing including educational background & experience level; financial options offered; personality fit between provider & patient; comfort level discussing issues & concerns; availability & timeliness of appointments; etc.. At Park Boulevard Family Dentistry we believe our team provides excellent service across these areas along with quality care & experienced staff members! Contact us today if you’re searching for an experienced family dentistry office! We would love to hear from you & help serve you!

How Can A Confident Smile Effect Your Overall Health?

How Can A Confident Smile Effect Your Overall Health?

The Benefits of Having a Confident Smile

A confident smile is essential for a person’s overall health, both physically and mentally. It can affect how we interact with others, how we view ourselves, and our confidence in all aspects of life. Let’s look at the many ways our smile can have an impact on our overall health and well-being.

Better Interaction With Others

Having a healthy, confident smile can have an impact on how you interact with other people. Smiling helps to build relationships, make connections, and help us better communicate with those around us. People are more likely to approach someone who is smiling, rather than someone who has a frown or looks grumpy or sad. A bright smile can also make other people feel comfortable talking to you, making social interactions much easier.

Improved Self-Esteem

Your self-esteem is closely related to your physical appearance. When you feel good about yourself and your appearance, it boosts your confidence and self-worth. When we are confident in our smiles we don’t feel the need to hide it from others or be embarrassed by it. This will naturally increase our self-esteem as we go about our daily activities knowing that we look great!

Overall Health

A confident smile goes beyond just having an attractive appearance; it can also improve your overall health! Not only does a bright smile boost your confidence levels, but it can also help reduce stress levels which in turn reduces the chances of developing illnesses associated with high-stress levels such as anxiety, depression, and heart disease. Additionally, regular trips to the dentist in Pinellas Park FL for checkups ensure that any potential dental issues are caught early on before they become severe problems down the road – this helps to keep your mouth healthy so that you maintain a bright white smile!

Contact Us Today!

Having a confident smile has many positive effects on one’s mental and physical well-being that should not be overlooked or ignored. A simple trip to Park Boulevard Family Dentistry can take care of all those little imperfections that often stand between us and beautiful smiles! So if you’re looking for ways to boost your confidence and improve your overall health this year, visiting our office may be just what you need! A warm welcome awaits you here where we provide quality dental services for our patients – including teeth whitening treatments so that you too can enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful confident smile! Contact us today for more information about what we offer!

List of The Foods To Eat To Strengthen Teeth

Dentist in Pinellas Park FL

The Top 5 Foods That Strengthen Teeth

Did you know that the food you eat can have a direct impact on the health of your teeth? It’s true! Here are the top 5 foods that strengthen teeth, courtesy of your friends at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry.


You might not think of cheese as being particularly good for your teeth, but it actually contains a lot of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. In addition, cheese helps to neutralize the acids in your mouth that can break down tooth enamel. So next time you’re looking for a snack, reach for some cheese instead of crackers or chips. Your teeth will thank you!


Like cheese, milk is also a great source of calcium as talked about with our friends over at Green Dental Care, the best dentist in Parker CO. It’s also rich in phosphates, which help to remineralize tooth enamel. So drink up!


Salmon is high in vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. It’s also a good source of phosphorus, another mineral that helps to keep teeth healthy and strong. So if you’re looking for a healthy dinner option that will also help strengthen your teeth, look no further than salmon!


Nuts are full of nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, all of which are essential for healthy bones and teeth. They’re also a good source of protein and healthy fats, both of which are necessary for oral health. So go ahead and snack on some nuts next time you’re feeling hungry! Just be sure to brush afterwards so that you don’t crack a tooth on one of the hard shells.


Yogurt is rich in calcium and also contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help promote oral health. Just be sure to choose yogurt that is plain or only lightly sweetened so that you don’t end up damaging your teeth with too much sugar.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Today

If you want to maintain strong and healthy teeth, be sure to include these five foods in your diet! Cheese, milk, salmon, nuts, and yogurt are all great options that will help keep your smile looking its best. And of course, don’t forget to brush and floss regularly and see your dentist in Pinellas Park FL for regular checkups and cleanings!

What You Should Avoid Eating This Summer For Your Teeth

what you should avoid eating this summer for your teeth

What Are Foods That Can Damage Your Smile?

As the temperatures rise, so does our consumption of sugary summertime treats. From refreshing beverages to ice cream and barbecue, it’s easy to overlook the potential dangers these foods can pose to our teeth. While enjoying your favorite summertime snacks, you must be aware of the potential risks to your oral health.

What Are These Common Foods?

One of the most common summertime beverages is iced tea. However, this refreshing drink can actually be quite damaging to your teeth. Iced tea is often high in sugar, leading to tooth decay. In addition, the acidity in iced tea can wear away at your tooth enamel, increasing your risk for cavities. If you enjoy iced tea, brush your teeth afterward or rinse your mouth with water to remove any lingering sugar or acid.

Ice cream is another popular summertime treat. However, like iced tea, ice cream can also damage your teeth. Ice cream is often high in sugar and dairy products, contributing to tooth decay. In addition, eating ice cream too quickly can cause teeth to ache from the cold temperature. 

Can Summer Fruits Cause Damage to My Teeth?

Summertime is a great opportunity to enjoy all sorts of delicious fruits and vegetables, but some of these foods can actually damage your teeth. For example, citrus fruits like lemons and oranges are high in acid, eroding tooth enamel, as talked about with our friends over at OG Dental, a dentist in Denver CO. Additionally, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots can also be hard on your teeth, so it’s best to eat them in moderation. Sticky foods like raisins and apricots can also cause problems, as they tend to stick to your teeth and promote the growth of bacteria. To protect your teeth this summer, be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and brush your teeth regularly.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Today

Are you looking for a new dentist in Pinellas Park FL? If so, look no further than Park Boulevard Family Dentistry. We strive to provide our patients with the highest quality of care possible. Whether you need a routine cleaning or more complex dental work, we are here to help. We understand that choosing a dentist near you can be a daunting task. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet our staff and learn more about our services. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

What Your Dental Hygienist Wants You To Know

What Your Dental Hygienist Wants You To Know

Things Every Dental Hygienist Wishes You Knew

Oral health is more than simply brushing twice a day and checking your breath in the workplace restroom. It all comes down to when you brush, even how you brush or what you do after you brush. Our dentist near you wanted to give you some tips on better oral health.

Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast

Mom has been preaching this for years! Since we agree, it’s worth reminding you that the fluoride in your toothpaste can and will protect your teeth while you eat if you brush before breakfast. If you wash your teeth after eating cereal or drinking orange juice, you run the danger of scraping those sugars or acids into the enamel (the strong outer coating of the tooth), which may lead to dental damage and erosion. Simply rinsing your mouth with water after breakfast will do.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure

While we are all aware of the consequences of not brushing our teeth, it is equally critical not to over-brush. Don’t clean your teeth and gums since this may cause irreparable and permanent wear away of the gums, known as a recession. Instead, use an electronic toothbrush with a light that flashes when you brush too aggressively. Hold the handle softly with minimal pressure. Glide it around your teeth and gums, letting the brush do most of the job.

Floss Before Going To Bed

There are so many more preventative dentistry tips that our dental hygienists want you to know. Brushing only cleans roughly 60% of our teeth. Flossing may clean between teeth and around the gums, aiding in preventing tooth decay and gum disease, which can arise when food and plaque get trapped in those crevices.

Flossing once a day, particularly at night, to give your mouth a complete cleaning after you’ve finished all of your meals for the day. Flossing before brushing is also an excellent habit since it improves the efficiency of both toothbrushing and toothpaste by eliminating dirt.

Try the Waterpik water flosser if you’re having trouble with your string floss method or just want something that gets the job done swiftly. It cleans between teeth and below the gum line with a focused stream of pulsing water. It has been shown to remove up to 99.9% of plaque from treated areas and is 50% more effective than string floss in improving gum health**. It also just takes 60 seconds.

Restrict The Use of Sweets and Acids During Mealtimes

If you’ve eaten or drank anything acidic or sweet, wait half an hour to an hour before brushing your teeth since brushing immediately after will merely distribute those sugars or acids across the enamel, weakening it. If you drink a glass of juice for breakfast and then don’t eat or drink anything else for a few hours, the saliva in your mouth will work to neutralize the acid. Unfortunately, when our teeth are constantly attacked, we see the damage. So the best advice your dentist in Pinellas Park FL can give you is to limit your intake of sweets and acids to mealtimes alone.

For Whiter Teeth, Consider Getting A Professional Cleaning

If you want whiter teeth, see your dentist or dental hygienist for a professional opinion – they will be able to evaluate your appropriateness for whitening and explain your best alternatives. You could just benefit from a professional cleaning.

If you use whitening toothpaste, select a type that has the necessary 1,450 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride to safeguard your teeth from harm. Try the Waterpik whitening water flosser for precise whitening while flossing, which combines water with a mild stain removal chemical to restore your natural whiteness, eliminate plaque, and promote healthier gums.

Don’t Ignore Your Gums

Your gums might indicate your overall health. Healthy gums are pink and firm, with no bleeding. Anything that deviates from that might be an indication of an underlying problem. Oral health and overall well-being are inextricably intertwined. A bad mouth might put you at risk for major health concerns. If you have any concerns regarding changes in your gums, please see your Pinellas Park FL dentist.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry Today

When looking for the right dentist make sure that you are looking for a team in your best interest. Our staff is here to help you in any way possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment today to sit down and talk to one of our specialists

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Finding a Family Dentist in Pinellas, FL

On Your Way To A Perfect Smile 

Cosmetic dentistry may improve a person’s self-confidence by changing the appearance of their teeth and smile. Cosmetic dentistry has advanced dramatically in recent years, with state-of-the-art operations appealing to a growing number of individuals who want to feel better about their appearance. Teeth whitening, dental veneers, tooth bonding, implants, and bridges are among the most popular Cosmetic Dentistry Options procedures today for those who want to look and feel their best.

Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening is the most effective approach to brighten and clean your teeth. Our dentist in Pinellas Park Fl recommended whiteners include stronger bleaching chemicals than store-bought whiteners. Expert cosmetic dentists can lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin (the material underneath the enamel). They will also protect your gums from discomfort and monitor the procedure to optimize the amounts of the whitening chemical.

An hour of dental whitening achieves the same effects as weeks of messy over-the-counter tooth whitening solutions. Professional teeth whitening can dramatically whiten teeth by many shades. Professional teeth whitening is suitable for your mouth. Stains are removed, making teeth healthier and stronger. Professional teeth whitening can be long-lasting when combined with good dental hygiene at home. 

Customized whitening trays from a dentist are superior to over-the-counter trays that can be painful and cause gum irritation due to poor fit. In addition, whitening trays prescribed by dentists utilize less peroxide than in-office treatments, reducing the risk of gum discomfort. Dental Implants provide several advantages over other tooth replacement options, aesthetics, and performance. For example, they can replace bridges or dentures, act as a basis for dental plates, and feel and look natural.

An implant is a tiny titanium post that replaces a lost tooth. The jaw bone regenerates around the implant, stabilizing it. After the implant has adhered to the bone, an abutment secures the new tooth. The abutment is then crowned. Implant-supported artificial teeth feel normal once the implant has bonded to the bone.

With dentures implants give a biting force equal to natural teeth. Dentures with inferior biting functions might cause bone loss through disintegration and absorption of old bone. Implant-retained dentures are also more convenient: no more removing and reinserting. Implants are permanent since they become part of your jaw.


Porcelain veneers are tooth-colored shells that are glued onto the front of teeth to mask fissures, stains, or gaps between teeth. Veneers are made-to-measure for each patient and can endure for years. In addition, new materials have made veneers thinner, eliminating the need to cut the tooth surface.

Our friends at Park Hills Dentistry, the best in Lexington KY, believe veneers may restore damaged or discolored teeth to seem natural and healthy again. They can help patients with an uneven gum line look neater and more in harmony with their teeth. Veneers can also be used to straighten, square, or lengthen teeth. Little tooth preparation is required because they are so thin and adhere so well. Veneers, like natural teeth, can shatter or chip. Small chips can be fixed or replaced with a veneer.

Dental Glue

A tooth-colored composite plastic resin is fused with a laser or ultraviolet light to the tooth’s surface. The technique hides discolored teeth, gaps between teeth, and enamel fissures. Bonding can also be used to fill cavities in teeth. While veneers are custom-made in a lab, single-tooth bonding may be done in one dental appointment. Compared to veneers, bonding is one of the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dental procedures.


Artificial teeth attached to a frame, dental bridges are used to replace several lost teeth while preserving facial contour and relieving stress on the biting function. In the center of the bridge, the missing tooth is replaced with implants or neighboring teeth. Traditional bridges are composed of ceramic or porcelain bonded to metal. They establish a pontic (dummy tooth) between the crown and the implant. Also, bridges allow appropriate speaking and eating, maintain facial form, prevent remaining teeth from moving, and distribute biting pressure correctly.

Thank You 

Our team at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry are here to help you. Contact us if you have any questions and we will gladly help you pick a perfect smile today.

What Are Dental Sealants?

what are dental sealants

What Are The Advantages of Dental Sealants?

Brushing and flossing are the most effective ways to prevent cavities, but cleaning every nook and crevice of your teeth – especially those back teeth you use to chew – is not always easy (called molars). Molars are rough and irregular, making them an ideal hiding area for leftover food and cavity-causing bacteria. There is, however, another safety net to assist keep your teeth clean. A sealant is a thin, protective coating made of plastic or other dental materials that attaches to the chewing surface of your back teeth. They aren’t a replacement for brushing and flossing, but they can help prevent cavities from forming and may even prevent early stages of decay from progressing to full-blown cavities. Today on the blog, our dentist in Pinellas Park FL is answering, “what are dental sealants?”

How Are Dental Sealants Used With Kids?

Dr. Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, shares that sealants have been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of decay in molars by over 80%. This is especially critical for your child’s dental health. According to the CDC, school-age children who do not get sealants have nearly three times the number of cavities as children who do have sealants.

What Is the Function of Sealants?

Our Pinellas Park dentist explains sealants as raincoats for your teeth. When cavity-causing bacteria in everyone’s mouth come into contact with residual food particles, they release acids that can cause holes in teeth. Cavities are what these holes are. After the sealant is placed, it keeps food particles out and germs and acid from resting on your teeth, similar to how a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.

Who Is Eligible for Sealants?

Sealants can benefit both children and adults, but the sooner you get them, the better. Your first molars appear around the age of six, and your second molars break around twelve. Sealing these teeth as soon as they emerge can help keep them cavity-free from the start, saving time and money in the long term. Inquire with your dentist about if sealants are a good option for you and your family.

How Do Sealants Work?

It’s a simple and painless procedure. Before applying an acidic gel to your teeth, the dentist will clean and dry them. This gel roughens the surface of your tooth, allowing a strong bond to form between your tooth and the sealant. After a few seconds, your dentist near me will rinse off the gel and thoroughly dry your teeth before applying the sealant to the grooves of your tooth. The sealant will next be hardened by your dentist using a unique blue light.

Can Cavities Be Covered With Sealants?

Sealants can be used to protect your tooth from future harm caused by early decay. Because certain sealants are clear, your dentist can check to see if the sealant is performing its job.

Are There Any Negative Side Effects?

With the exception of a possible allergy, sealants have no known negative effects.

Is BPA present in sealants?
Yes, sealants contain trace amounts of BPA, but not enough to harm you or a loved one. In fact, simply touching a receipt, wearing cosmetics, or coming into contact with dust exposes you to more BPA.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry For Dental Sealants

Interested in dental sealants for you or your little one? Our team at Park Boulevard Family Dentistry is here to help. Contact us to learn more. 

National Dentist Day

national dentist day pinellas park fl

National Dentist Day - Your Dentist in Pinellas Park FL

How long has it been since you’ve been to the dentist for a checkup? Perhaps today, in honor of National Dentist Day, is the ideal opportunity to have your teeth checked!

In honor of this wonderful holiday, our team would like to talk about our great dentist, Dr. Brianne Wade. Continue reading to learn more about your Pinellas Park FL dentist.

Starting Her Practice

Dr. Wade earned her dental degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Sarasota. Dr. Wade has decided to start her own clinic in the town she lives in and loves after working in St. Pete for several years. After that, she was ecstatic to start a modern dental practice in Pinellas Park.

Dr. Wade enjoys giving back to the community. She volunteers with local charity Keep Pinellas Beautiful where she is committed to donate a portion of all new patient proceeds, supporting the non-profit’s efforts to provide local cleanups and keeping our beautiful beaches clean!

In Her Free Time

Dr. Wade and her husband, Dr. Brian Leeson, reside in St. Petersburg with their rescue cat Mittens. They also have a senior but rambunctious dog, Bailey. 

She spends her leisure time with her family, friends, and dogs, whether it’s outside, on the water, or cuddling up for a movie.

Mission Trips

Dr. Wade, the best dentist in Pinellas Park FL, has participated on multiple mission trips to South America and participates with the Florida Mission of Mercy Outreach Program, which gives free dentistry to the impoverished people each year.

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry

Park Boulevard Family Dentistry strives to meet all of your family’s dental requirements under one roof. We are experts in smile repair and aesthetic procedures such as dental fillings, crowns, implants, tooth removals, professional quality teeth whitening, veneers, and more.

We are pleased to assist you if you are experiencing tooth discomfort or simply need a fresh modern dentist office that makes you feel completely at home! Contact your dentist near me today.

Why See A Family Dentist

Children's Dental Health Month: Why See A Family Dentist

Finding a Family Dentist in Pinellas, FL

Seeing your Pinellas Park Dentist may save you time and money by preventing you from having to transport members of your family to multiple dental offices to meet their requirements. In addition, unlike a regular dentist, who usually caters to a particular age group, a family dentist, like dentist in Pinellas Park FL, may treat all members of your family, regardless of age.

Advantages Of A Family Dentist

As a result, a family dentist in Pinellas Park FL is a terrific method to provide your family with high-quality dental treatment without having to travel all over town for each individual’s dental visit. Here are some of the advantages of seeing a family dentist near me.

Knowing Family History

A family dentist like our friend Dr. Eastham, dentist Grand Junction, has the training and knowledge to treat everyone in your family, from babies to grandparents. This eliminates the need for each individual to have their dentist. Instead of scheduling appointments at several clinics and schlepping each family member to visit, one dentist takes care of everyone.


Patients may schedule an appointment for the whole family with a family dentist, and everyone will be treated simultaneously. Children may see the same dentist as they grow up and become adults when they see a family dentist.


Compared to a general dentist, family dentists provide a wider variety of services. It is because of this that they can serve people of various ages. For example, for youth, braces may be installed, and for the elderly, dentures can be designed by a family dentist near me.  In addition, they can do preventive procedures such as dental cleanings and aesthetic procedures like tooth whitening and veneers.

Better Bond With the Dentist

It’s good to have a dentist who knows your whole family’s names. It helps everyone in your family feel more at ease at the clinic and encourages them to communicate any concerns they may have. In addition, when the same dentist sees all family members, the oral expert can better comprehend any dental problems that run in the family.

Easy to Keep Track of Dental History

When a patient receives treatments from many dentists, keeping track of their dental history may be challenging. It is more straightforward when a single dentist handles a person’s dental requirements. It also makes it easy for the dentist to analyze how a patient responds to earlier treatment and track any emerging problems.

Teaches Entire Family

Children witness how their parents interact with the dentist when the whole family visits the same dentist, which helps them feel more at ease. A family dentist allows the entire family to get treatments such as dental cleanings simultaneously. When youngsters watch their parents receiving the same procedure and not be affected, they are less likely to freak out in the dentist chair.

With so many advantages to seeing a family dentist, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of individuals are opting for this option.

Contact our Family Dentist in Pinellas Park FL Today

Please request an appointment at our Pinellas Park office today in honor of Children’s Dental Health Month.

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

how to get my teeth whiter

How to Get My Teeth Whiter

Everyone wants a dazzling, white smile, but most individuals don’t know how. Some individuals brighten their teeth and decrease surface stains by using at-home whitening treatments like strips and gels or dental office procedures like chairside bleaching. Your dentist in Pinellas Park shares all you need to know about teeth whitening.

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Continue reading to learn about the impacts of whitening methods and items to think about. Your dentist in Pinellas Park FL will also tell you how long they’ll last and how you can keep them whiter for longer.

Is There a Time Limit?

The sort of whitener you use will determine how long your teeth will whiten, explains Pinellas Park dentist. Of course, your way of life has an impact, too.

Tooth whitening procedures are intended to lessen rather than eliminate stains. So, at-home items and dental operations can last longer if you maintain excellent oral habits and clean your teeth.

Here are the durations of some of the most popular whitening procedures.

Toothpaste With Bleach

It might take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks for you to notice any benefits if you use whitening toothpaste twice a day. The effects, according to users, may last up to three or four months.

Whitening toothpaste may be used daily or every week. Ingredients that polish or whiten teeth may be found in them, including:

Whitening Strips

The amount of sessions you’ll need to notice results with whitening strips varies. However, some strips provide better benefits that might last up to six months.

One of the most effective over-the-counter methods for teeth whitening at home is whitening strips. However, some brands are more user-friendly and efficient than others. To remove more strong stains, some people utilize LED accelerator lights.

Peroxide bleaches teeth and removes stains using whitening strips. They may be unpleasant or damaging to teeth if used improperly or too often.

Whitening Pens

It might take anywhere from two days to a week for whitening pens to work. They provide minor consequences that are generally short-lived.

Whitening pens are tiny, transportable plastic tubes containing whitening gel and are used to remove spot stains. Unfortunately, you can’t eat, drink, or clean your teeth for roughly an hour after applying the gel since it washes away readily.

Gel Trays

You should see effects with a whitening gel tray in approximately a week, with the best results appearing in 2 to 4 weeks. The amount of whitening you notice depends on the peroxide intensity and how long you wear it.

When used in conjunction with good dental care, at-home, dentist-supervised whitening gel trays should provide you with a year’s worth of benefits.

Then, your dentist may mold your mouth to fit a custom-made tray that you fill at home with whitening gel. Your dentist’s whitener is more potent than the kind found in over-the-counter teeth whitening kits.

This therapy will be overseen by your dentist, who will advise you on how long and how frequently you use it. For example, you may need to wear the tray for many hours or overnight every day for a week or longer in some instances.

In-Office Whitening

If you maintain appropriate dental hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) treatment should last for one to three years.

In your dentist’s office, this procedure is carried out. Only one visit is usually required.

It varies per practice what solution your dentist uses. For example, our friend Dr. Boals, dentist Colorado Springs uses a powerful bleaching chemical, such as highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, is used in this method. Heat or light may also be applied to speed up the bleaching agent’s action.

Side Effects

Tooth whiteners may cause irritation in the teeth and gums due to their active components. Typically, this isn’t a long-term solution. Long-term use of any peroxide or abrasive whitener might be unpleasant for some individuals.

More significant adverse effects are also possible, such as:

Gum Burns and Irritation

Gum burns and anger are more likely to occur with at-home gel trays or chairside whitening, but they may be prevented by thoroughly covering the gums before treatment and utilizing custom-fit trays. If your gums burn or are irritated, it should only last a few days.

Gum Bleaching

Your gums may get bleached and lose their color for a short time.

If you consume a whitening product, you may have a burning feeling in your throat or a mild stomachache.

Dental Care Tips

Below, our dentist in Pinellas Par FL shares some dental care tips. 

  • Keeping teeth clean and flossed can assist in avoiding cavities and gingivitis, as well as maintain teeth white.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably just after each meal.
  • Brush after a meal if you eat or drink.
  • After you’ve finished your meal, chew sugarless gum or rinse with water.
  • Finally, use whitening toothpaste or rinse as part of your regular dental care between whitening treatments.


Tooth whitening treatments and techniques are available at home and in the clinic.

Although at-home whitening treatments like whitening toothpaste, rinses, and pens don’t last very long, they may assist in extending the advantages of other, more powerful whitening procedures. Without the supervision of a dentist, white strips are the most effective over-the-counter whitening therapy.

Contact Park Boulevard Family Dentistry For Tooth Whitening

Do you want to improve the appearance of your smile? Teeth whitening is an excellent approach to improve your smile and remove yellow teeth. Park Boulevard Family Dentistry provides both in-office and take-home tooth whitening procedures to our patients. Visit our office for a teeth whitening consultation today! Want to learn more? Contact our office today!